I had my HD locals until they moved them...I was able to watch them for at least a few weeks. Then, one day, they were gone, moved to other channels and inaccessible to me. The reason I do not wish to pay $50 more for a new satellite dish is that I have two dishes on my roof, one of which currently is not being used (it was a must carry dish and DISH moved those channels to another satellite). A customer service rep told me they could simply repoint that DISH from 61.5 to 118.75 and I'd get my HD locals back. The installer came out and spent a grand total of about 30 seconds surveying the situation before getting someone from DISH to agree with him that the first person was wrong, that I'd have to take off another day from work and that the ONLY way to fix it would be to put up a different dish at a cost to me. The thing is, though, is that I signed up for some 1-year HD package (ends Wed.) in which I was supposed to get my HD locals as part of the deal. I haven't had them for probably 9-10 months. So, screw DISH's HD I just want a two-tuner DVR, hopefully as cheaply as possible.