It Tis the season where one can be filled with joy, love, and happiness with those who have riches, family and love. Or it could be the season of loneliness, hunger, and pain. Many will have joy while many will suffer with pain whether it is from hunger or lack of heat. I just want to mention while many here will be jolly there are many in your community who will be in agony.
I want to urge all of you that have excess to help out others who are in need during this very jolly or sad time.
I along with my group that I volunteer for have picked a few families (non drug users in our case) who have little or nothing and are providing them with food, toys for their children, and pay some of their back bills or current energy bills. Not to mention a great, prepared Christmas meal for them.
A few years ago I decided to "adopt" a Christmas child from some local organization or another and it was for an 8 year old boy. I was given a hand written letter from this child to fulfill his wish list. I expected to see a list of a bunch of toys that I would go out and buy. What I seen totally blew me away and I'll never be the same again. There was not one toy on the list. The top 3 things were a coat, blanket and pillow. I balled my eyes out!
So I plead to all of you that can afford it to help other people out in your community who is less fortunate than you are. My best Christmas ever was giving this needy boy a coat, blanket and pillow. That trumped any and every expensive gift I gave to somebody in the family or what have you. I don't care if I ever get anything ever again; I just want to bless the unfortunate. Material things aren't much to me after all.
I want to urge all of you that have excess to help out others who are in need during this very jolly or sad time.
I along with my group that I volunteer for have picked a few families (non drug users in our case) who have little or nothing and are providing them with food, toys for their children, and pay some of their back bills or current energy bills. Not to mention a great, prepared Christmas meal for them.
A few years ago I decided to "adopt" a Christmas child from some local organization or another and it was for an 8 year old boy. I was given a hand written letter from this child to fulfill his wish list. I expected to see a list of a bunch of toys that I would go out and buy. What I seen totally blew me away and I'll never be the same again. There was not one toy on the list. The top 3 things were a coat, blanket and pillow. I balled my eyes out!
So I plead to all of you that can afford it to help other people out in your community who is less fortunate than you are. My best Christmas ever was giving this needy boy a coat, blanket and pillow. That trumped any and every expensive gift I gave to somebody in the family or what have you. I don't care if I ever get anything ever again; I just want to bless the unfortunate. Material things aren't much to me after all.