Time Record function forgets programming


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 25, 2011
Mount Airy, MD
About 3 weeks ago, I finally bought an 80 GB disk drive to enable the Time Record function on the GEOSATpro DVR1100C. The disk works fine and the record function is terrific... if it only wouldn't forget its programming every week.

Each week, during a different day of the week, the recording function forgets all its programming. I have all 10 slots filled with weekly schedules to pick up programs I'd like to see. 3 weeks ago, I think it happened on Tuesday (not sure). Last week, it happened during the day on Thursday (it picked up an early morning program and then lost its schedules before the late afternoon program it was scheduled to grab). Today (Wednesday), it once again wiped the Time Record schedule clean.

The unit has not been powered off. We haven't had power glitches (the unit is in my home office, so I would notice a power failure).

Is this expected behavior? If not, what could be causing this? Is there any way to save programming so I don't have to manually re-enter my 10 Time Record entries at seemingly random times each week?

Thank you.
This is not a known issue.

Suggested Corrective Action:
Try performing a master reset by depressing the CH up button while turning on the rear Master Power switch. Once the testing menu appears, release the CH up. Select Load Default and press OK. Power cycle the Master Power switch then activate in GloryStar mode and use the automatic time setting mode.

Sorry, but there is no function to back-up the Timer Settings.
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Well, I did the Load Default as instructed. When I power back on the Master Power, I get the word "boot" on the display, the blue indicator light on, the green light indicating the presence of the hard drive, and nothing else. The unit appears to have hung. So I powered off, disconnected the hard drive, and repeated the Load Default procedure. Still hangs at boot with the blue light on; no response to buttons or remote (although the red light flashes when it detects a signla from the remote). Tried a third time; no difference.

Is there anything more I can do? It appears to be inoperative, except for the testing menu. This unit is less than a year old, with the 3.33 software indicated on the menu.

Thank you.
I am hoping it is solved. It has been 8 days, which is about the longest it has ever gone without losing its programming memory. I held my breath today when I had to flip the back switch off for a couple seconds to get the remote to regain its sanity, but the program memory is still intact. So far, so good! Thank you.
Well, all was working fine until yesterday (Tuesday). I noticed that the auto update had occurred. I went to the Timer Record function and found that all entries were correct, but the channels were wrong. I thought, "Well that will be easier to fix than entering everything." But first I recreated my favorites list (Favorites 8) and added History Channel and Biography Channel. Then I went back to Timer Record and found it was totally reset -- no entries. So I dutifully re-entered all my recording entries again.

But then, this morning, I look and the recording entries are gone again. I'm afraid that the problem has reappeared.

Do I need to hard reset the box again? Is there anything else I can try? Will I need to hard reset the box every time it automatically updates?
It happened to me also except it erased all timer recorded settings, lucky I checked right after the update and was able to rest my timer settings.

Well, all was working fine until yesterday (Tuesday). I noticed that the auto update had occurred. I went to the Timer Record function and found that all entries were correct, but the channels were wrong. I thought, "Well that will be easier to fix than entering everything." But first I recreated my favorites list (Favorites 8) and added History Channel and Biography Channel. Then I went back to Timer Record and found it was totally reset -- no entries. So I dutifully re-entered all my recording entries again.

But then, this morning, I look and the recording entries are gone again. I'm afraid that the problem has reappeared.

Do I need to hard reset the box again? Is there anything else I can try? Will I need to hard reset the box every time it automatically updates?
Well, all was working fine until yesterday (Tuesday). I noticed that the auto update had occurred. I went to the Timer Record function and found that all entries were correct, but the channels were wrong. I thought, "Well that will be easier to fix than entering everything." But first I recreated my favorites list (Favorites 8) and added History Channel and Biography Channel. Then I went back to Timer Record and found it was totally reset -- no entries.

AAAAHHHHH......... OK....... Now it makes sense. This issue is not a defect of the unit or the firmware.

The Glorystar channel list has been modified by scanning in additional channels. You have created a custom channel list, but then allow the the Glorystar channel list automatic channel update to occur. The custom channel list is being overwritten by the new Glorystar channel list. You have built the DVR timer recording list based on your custom list, not the Glorystar channel list. When the Glorystar list is updated, your recording timers are no longer valid as the channel list is updated and your custom channel list is overwritten. The recording timer list is no longer valid as your custom channel list no longer exists.

How to correct..... You are an advanced user and should choose to activate the receiver in the "Advanced All Satellite" mode instead of the "Glorystar" mode. Perform a Factory Reset and activate as Advanced All Satellites. Once activated, set up the switch settings, scan the satellites and build your own channel list. If you occasionally perform a manual OTA update in the advanced mode, only the firmware will be updated. The channels list and recording timers will not be affected, but you are now in charge of maintaining your own channel list.
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It happened to me also except it erased all timer recorded settings, lucky I checked right after the update and was able to rest my timer settings.
Do you modify the Glorystar channel list by moving, deleting or adding channels, but allow automatic updates to occur? If so, please read the previous post for an explanation and suggested corrective action.
I added History and the Bio Channel to the end of the list but my Glorystar list and numbering stayed in tact. I had the recording set for ADTV Channel 111 before the update and after the update the channel number was the same will that still erase the timer recorder settings?

Do you modify the Glorystar channel list by moving, deleting or adding channels, but allow automatic updates to occur? If so, please read the previous post for an explanation and suggested corrective action.
Gary Z said:
I added History and the Bio Channel to the end of the list but my Glorystar list and numbering stayed in tact.
By adding channels the GloryStar list is modified and the recorder timer list is based on a modified list. When the GloryStar channel list is updated, the databases no longer match and the timer list is deleted.

I would suggest that you activate the receiver in the advanced mode if you wish to add additional channels and maintain recording timers.
I understand the logic as to why the time record list is altered or dropped after an update, but why would the time record list be erased on Wednesday after the update was complete and after I re-entered the time record list? Is there an event which would cause that to happen? Thank you.
why would the time record list be erased on Wednesday after the update was complete and after I re-entered the time record list? Is there an event which would cause that to happen? Thank you.

There appears to be two different descriptions of the events leading up to the loss of the recording timer list.....

1. You originally stated that the existing recording timer list, which was originally based on a modified channel list was edited after the update.


2. Did you start with a blank recording timer list then enter a completely new list of recording timers on Tuesday?

The recording list would be lost if it was based on a modified Glorystar channel list and/or the timer triggered an event that was linked to incorrect channel data. This loss would have occurred if you had edited an existing recording timer list. This issue would not have occurred if a new timer list was created after the automatic Glorystar channel update.

If you wish to maintain a channel list that contains additional channels that are not supported Glorystar channels and not have recording timer conflicts, activate the system as Advanced instead of Glorystar.
Let me try to clarify my post from yesterday:

1. As of Monday, all was well
2. Tuesday morning, I discover that the Glorystar update occurred. I see that the channel names have shifted in the time record list.
3. I decide to ignore the time record list for the moment and add History and Biography back again (as expected when Glorystar updates).
4. I go to edit the time record list to find it is now blanked. No records remain. I key in all records all over again to the empty list.
5. This is now Tuesday mid-day, and all is well again.
6. Wednesday arrives. The time record list is empty yet again. I have no idea why.

It is step 6 that mystifies me. I know of no event which would cause the erasing of the time record list. This spontaneous deletion of the time record info parallels my original problem, which was solved with the factory reset. It appears that once the update occurred on Mon/Tues, my box decided to spontaneously expunge its programming on Wednesday for no reason that I understand.

Reply #11 explains 1-5. I get that. What explains 6?

Thank you.
Wednesday arrives. The time record list is empty yet again. I have no idea why.

A programming artifact is remaining when additional channels are programmed into your system and overwritten by updates which is causing a conflict between your custom channel list and the recording timer. When the timer executed, the channel list was not compliant and the record timer list was corrupted. Just because the recording timer list was no longer visible, doesn't mean that the data files and the links were completely purged. If an event is serious enough to cause a file to be corrupted and on screen displays to disappear, chances are that other issues may exist. A complete Factory Default reset may be necessary to clear and reload all database information.

If you wish to add channels that are not part of the Glorystar channel list, please choose the "Advanced All Satellite" mode and you will not experience conflicts with your custom channel list and a recording timer list and you will be able to manually update the receiver when you choose.

Insider information..... We will soon be updating the GEOSATpro receivers firmware and simplifying the Glorystar menu selection to provide streamlined options which support the basic operations essential to the majority of Glorystar viewers. An advanced or hobbyist user (like yourself) wanting advanced system operation will choose the "Advanced" receiver mode instead of the simplified Glorystar mode.
Thanks for the insider information Glorystar!. What other update will be in the firmware besides simplifying the Glorystar menu?
I think I will continue to use Glorystar mode and when I add the History Channel I will just redo my timers or will adding Channels still be possible with the new update in Glorystar mode?
Gary Z said:
Thanks for the insider information Glorystar!. What other update will be in the firmware besides simplifying the Glorystar menu?
I think I will continue to use Glorystar mode and when I add the History Channel I will just redo my timers or will adding Channels still be possible with the new update in Glorystar mode?

You will need to activate in the Advanced mode to enable these non-GloryStar channels. An option is to save the GloryStar channels to the USB, activate in Advanced mode, write the GloryStar channel mapping to the Advanced mode channel list then scan your other favorite channels.

Just completing testing on the new versions of GloryStar firmware. The updates will be pushed in a week or two. The receiver will continue to be a full functioning FTA unit with OTA-SSU manual firmware updating when activated in the Advanced mode. When activated in the GloryStar mode the unit will be automatically firmware and channel list updated when available (removing the ability to turn off), clock be automatically synced to a new and precise transponder (removing the manual time set option), updates will be downloaded from new transponder frequency 11842, installation menu removed, channel edit menu removed. There will also be included in the firmware release a tuner tweak which improves the already great sensitivity! Channel three will display a message for a few weeks noting the change of simplified menu options.

A few of these changes are required to prepare and support the Glorystar EPG delivery in an upcoming release and others are to provide a more uniform GloryStar experience and less customer support for mistaken menu settings.

Hope that this information will be useful.

Visit Glorystar at NRB 2011 in Nashville, TN

Basic newbie question regarding setting the DVR manually.

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