2 - Golf is better when he is bad. Watching one guy lap the field is appealing to frontrunner fans who will move on to the next thing next week. Meanwhile the sport alienates its core. What was fun we he wins as not HE winning per say, but how the field reacts, how they bring it up a notch. And as far as "alienates it's core" ...what rating were YOU watch?
3 - Woods, and I could care less about his sex life or any other part of his life, reminds me of a typical criminal defendant in court, who is really sorry. That he got caught. You must have him confused with some of the criminals in football....he did not not do anything wrong according to the law....and mind you, nothing NEW.
4 - Golf is the world's best game, and most difficult. Woods is at the age where most of the greats started to decline. Will the last half of his regular tour career be more like that of JN or like that of AP. Can Woods deal with being one of the best 10 or 12 golfers and winning maybe a major every couple of years? Can he do something for the game, or will he just take his money and go away? I love golf too, but it being the "best game and most difficult" ...that can be debated forever. Have you ever played baseball at a high level? I played college level and I had at one point a lower teens handicap...trying to hit a baseball at 90+ miles per hour is MUCH MORE difficult than hitting a ball teed up.....