Very creative!
I use MrFTAMan on this site and some other satellites sites along with the same password because it helps me to remember easily... (I turned 52 January 2nd.)
However, on other sites (I am a member of the Compucarve forum sites since I got one of those machines for woodworking), I use the same ID and password... as usual, to help me remember.
Well, I caught hell with a couple of Compucarve users about the MrFTAMan ID! They PMed me asking what FTA mean.
I told them and the reason they wanna know is that they thought it mean
"F**k the Army"!!!
I explained to them that I got GREAT respect for the Army. :up
Whew! I thought I was gonna be banned from those sites! Apparently those guys were retired Army guys...
Very creative!
I use MrFTAMan on this site and some other satellites sites along with the same password because it helps me to remember easily... (I turned 52 January 2nd.)
However, on other sites (I am a member of the Compucarve forum sites since I got one of those machines for woodworking), I use the same ID and password... as usual, to help me remember.
Well, I caught hell with a couple of Compucarve users about the MrFTAMan ID! They PMed me asking what FTA mean.
I told them and the reason they wanna know is that they thought it mean
"F**k the Army"!!!
I explained to them that I got GREAT respect for the Army. :up
Whew! I thought I was gonna be banned from those sites! Apparently those guys were retired Army guys...