Okay... as long as you are going to this movie for the stunning visual effects, the movie will meet your expectations. Otherwise, this movie BLOWS!
Every single character is a cliché found in every disaster movie. Worse than that...they are BAD clichés of every disaster movie ever made. Let's see...
sub-plot #1) you have the divorcé who fights his wife into believing him that something bad is going to happen and you have the obligatory second husband or boy fried who is the antithesis of this character. How do they survive the disaster?
Subplot #2) you have the too-smart scientist that uncovers the Jacuzzi from hell to show that something really bad is going to happen and all his peers who think he is nuts. Can he convince anyone in time for prevent certain death?
Subplot #3) you have all the politicians like the president and the world's worst impersonation of Governor Arnold assuring people everything is fine while at the same time they are trying to manage infighting between scientist which disagree which way the sun is going to rise in the morning.
Mix those in with some completely unfathomably baaaaaad science that any high school science student (who pays attention) would question. Add some totally irrational explanations to the bad science (if neutrinos are causing the core to overheat, how come every living thing on the planet isn't being irradiated and exterminated first?).
Add some of the most banal dialog (take the freeway it will be half the time!) that will make your eyes roll to inspect your frontal lobe to see if you still have some cognative abilities and your brain hasn't stopped working.
Include impossible situations for the main characters to survive and...
Shake well, put in a blender and pureé... and you have the disaster movie Du jour!
It is truly an awful movie EXCEPT the visual effects of the world ending. "The Day After Tomorrow" was much, much better!