2% (HD) of the market can affect the other 98% with enough impact to matter? There just looking to blame something.
The prostitution of the studios has no limits:
tomorrow they will claim all those reduced profits are due to pirates...
Hackers, torrent, internet, writer's strike, war in Iraq, etc. - you name it.
Now it's the format war, too. Everybody but them is at fault.
The prostitution of the studios has no limits:
tomorrow they will claim all those reduced profits are due to pirates...
Hackers, torrent, internet, writer's strike, war in Iraq, etc. - you name it.
Now it's the format war, too. Everybody but them is at fault.
Yes, college students need to rein in the file-sharing. We get it. Artists need to eat. But while the MPAA has been busy lecturing universities about the way they run their IT operations, perhaps the universities have something to say to the motion picture business about how it buys and releases its research.
PS2 outselling the PS3 by approx. 2:1. Hmmm, must be that $149.00 price point.
PS3 is dead last.