Well, im not one whos trying to start a conspiracy about smart meters, I didnt even know what one was until about a year ago. But i did look then up after i discovered it might be my problem. All I can say is wow on some of the videos i have seen on you tube. So anyways Wade (the power company guy) came by last night and wanted to see what was happening on my tv. So I turned the tv over to movies! and you could literally count to 10 and like clock work the picture would blink to black and then come back. he asked what all channels did this and i explained what i found, and that the signal meter shows interference on all signals but only the weaker ones have picture quality affected. So we walked out to the meter and sure enough you could count to 10 and the meter would blink to a transmission cycle. He said he didnt think they were supposed to be transmitting every 10 seconds. Then he tells me the gas company installed smart devices too, and shows me the gas meter. I had no idea they even did that. I ask him exactly how they are supposed to work and he said they are supposed to transmit to the nearest receiver. But then he tells me that there are some of the meters in town that wont transmit in a chain or even to an office but to the beacon over in Freeport. Freeport is 26 miles away so they obviously have some power behind the transmissions. He said he would look and see how my meter was transmitting tomorrow, and might even change out my meter to see if the problem goes away. So it appears that they might try to do something with this issue for me, and I am not even sure it really is the smart meter. I told him i didnt have the equipment to check to be sure. He told me it could either me my meter or the neighbors meter, but again said that he didnt think they were supposed to transmit every 10 seconds. He said mine obviously is and would look into it. So score one for knowing a bunch of people in a small town.