Tech TV and G4


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 1, 2004
How is it going to work out for Dish, will we be losing the new merged channel after the contract is up?
No, that's what Comcast essentially bought, the rights of the spot of TechTV.

These are the TechTV shows that will be kept on:

Anime Unleashed
Body Hits
Eye Drops
Fresh Gear
Future Fighting Machines
Invent This
Nerd Nation
Robot Wars
The Screen Savers

The obvious ones missing are TechLive and Call for Help. Check out their merger site at for a list of all G4 and TechTV shows that will be on the new network lauching May 28th.
You will find several other merger threads on the boards as well.
Actually everyone wass fired. But approximately 100 people will be rehired if they are willing to relocate to LA.

are the only good G4 shows.

Will the G4 shows do more than 1 new show a week now?
Geronimo said:
Actually everyone wass fired. But approximately 100 people will be rehired if they are willing to relocate to LA.
Well, of course. You know it's simply not possible to have a TV Studio that's not in the same city as the stick-ass that's running the place.

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