Tech Chat Recap

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Here courtesy of Mark Lamutt from DBSTalk is a recap of tonight's Tech Chat. (Wow quick fingers there Mark!) :D

Technical Forum Recap
by 2004 Mark Lamutt

This recap may be linked to from other forums, or it may be copied in its entirety, with no alterations permitted.

Welcome to the Tech Forum with our hosts Mark Jackson and Dan Minnick.

New product updates:

On the 311, by the end of November, updated graphics, new Sysinfo screen diagnostics, Spanish language menus, mobile installation functionality

On the 322/522, added ability to hide locks – when channels are locked, they won’t show up in the guide, browse banner, or anywhere else.

On the 811, OTA guide data was recently added in areas where Dish carries the local channels in SD. Working on getting PBS added to guide. Added support for mosaic interactive technology (6 screens at once), fix to get rid of white line at top of LCD monitor.

On the 921, major software update this month. Local channel mapdown and OTA guide data by end of this month, or beginning of next month.

Here’s Leslie to talk about tech tips. Talks about how to move quickly around the guides. Talks about the very useful search feature. (Her search example is sure faster than any receiver than I've ever seen on any Dish receiver…)

Giveaway time – an HD bundle! 921 and 40” TV! What are the 2 methods you can use together to keep others from deleting your recorded programs on the DVR receivers?

New price on 921/TV bundle from local retailers – 921 and 34” or 40” HDTV for $999! 921 now $549 for the Christmas special, or $599 including dish.

Now going to LCD TV! 30” and 40” sizes will be available. Explains what LCD technology is. Talks about advantages of LCD over plasma. 4” thick, 720p native mode, detached media box (controls) and detachable speakers. Should be available around end of November. Pricing – 30” $1999 and 40” $3999.

Question time!

Email from Jay Pennington – guide data is 1 minute ahead of networks. What’s up?
Answer: Not a problem with the receiver. Broadcasts start earlier and end later. Dan gives an answer that only applies to the 721 and 921 (and maybe the 522). Other DVRs don’t have the End Late.

Email from Rick: Someone else is changing my channel!
Answer: Change the remote address – Dan describes the procedure.

(nothing like softcore questions…)

Email from John Walker – will one dish antenna send the signal 600’ to my guest house, or do I need a booster?
Answer: DishPro rated for only 200 feet – you need another dish on your guest house. 600 feet too far to be reliable.

Email from Jeffrey O’Neil. Has SW64, 3 satellite locations, just got new 510, wants to change to Dishpro – do I have enough cable runs for this?
Answer: Yes

Winner! Jinet (?)Taylor from CA . Answer – Protect DVR event and then system password must be entered to delete the program if the system is locked with a password.

Email from Andy: Where can I get remote manual?
Answer – download from Dish website

Now, Scott Higgins to talk about new interactive channels! Karaoke Channel!

And now, it’s special guest time! Andrew Geisheimer, the regional product manager for Sirius to sell us on Sirius (er, tell us about Sirius)…


He said touch and feel…heh heh

Buy Sirius! Lose that Barney tape!

Coming soon – 98 markets coming for real time traffic and weather info – that’s cool! Can’t wait for Denver to get added!

6.3 hours later…the Sirius infomercial is still on…

I’m pretty sure that Mark and Dan were sleeping during that infomercial.

Let’s give something else to give away! SR200 Sirius system. First caller to answer: name 2 of the 3 exclusive services Sirius offers.

More Q&A now

Email – David Chapman has a Dish500, connected to one receiver, can I receive normal programming and hook HD to the current dish?
Answer – need new receiver, may need a switch. If in CBS O&O, need second wing dish.

Caller – Rodney: guess we don’t have Rodney. He obviously was going to ask about the 921.

Email: Mark Handley – has Dish 500 with 508 receiver. One line from dish to receiver. No switch. How to install a 921?
Answer: Run another line from Dish to receiver, or use DishProPlus switch and separator. Also have new DishProPlus LNBs available today, but hard to get.

Caller – George: Lost George also! Another 921 question! Ha Ha!

Email: Joe – I want to get local HD channels. Terk TV44 clip on work with Dish 500?
Answer: Will fit on Dish 500, not useful in all markets. (It’s a piece of crap antenna!) Go to

Here’s George’s question: When will MLB be available on Sirius?
Answer – it’s a ways out because XM has it locked down for the next 10 years.

Email: Suzanne Nielson – daughter reset remote control. How do I reprogram remote to work with receiver?
Answer: Check sysinfo screen from front panel on receiver, point remote at set top box, and press REC button. Sets remote to correct address.

Email: Charles – What’s the best way to connect 811 to my new HDTV? Using component now, but not impressive connections.
Answer: Depends on television. Any of the flat screens should use DVI rather than component.

Email: David Craig – just bought a new flat TV, have problems setting up remote for the TV, and codes don’t work.
Answer: Working on updating the remote codes for new equipment. Try using the powerscan feature to see if anything will work.

Email: John – has 6000, used to get HDTV. Why should I have to pay for new model or new receiver?
Answer: May be a card swap. If you lost HD 2-3 weeks ago, need new card. If you don’t have your new card, call us.

Email: Just bought plasma tv – how do I connect this to my Dish 301 receiver?
Answer: Could do that, but you won’t have HD or enhanced def. Connect using Svideo or composite video. Really should get a new HD receiver such as a 921 or 811.

Email: Lance – 921 deal wants one. Has older CRT projector that has a 3 wire RGB input. Converter available from component to RGB output?
Answer: 921 has DVI-I connector, so can use DVI-RGB converter. Projector is probably 5 connection – RGBHV rather than just RGB.

Email: Douglas loves the 921.

Email: Ed – When OTA guide data, when L189 released?
Answer: L189 in November – scheduled for the 18th. Next release includes OTA, in test now, scheduled for end of the month or first week in December.

Email: Kerry - Got new card in mail, but no instructions. How install it?
Answer: Should have had instructions. Email Mark for instructions.

Winner – Sirius stuff. Charles Rogers wins! Answer was Howard Stern, NFL, NPR

Out of time tonight! Thanks for joining us!

Next Charlie Chat next month December 13th, same time same channel!
Only omission I see is Dan Minnick also said Dish Home Interactive would be in the 921 upgrade in December. (He said it the first time but not the second time where he gave dates)
I like how two of the 921 callers just "magically" didn't say anything. LOL

Good to hear about more local traffic and weather coming to Sirius!! Did they say when?
Ask About Local HD

I asked off the air how what Dish had planned for local hd now that Direct Tv had announced their plans in 2005. The answer I got was "we will have it before them". The is one helluva technical answer.
psurratt said:
I asked off the air how what Dish had planned for local hd now that Direct Tv had announced their plans in 2005. The answer I got was "we will have it before them". The is one helluva technical answer.

Although not a technical answer, with AMC-15 on orbit and being tested and AMC-16 scheduled for launch in mid December, Dish could easily have HD locals for several cities a few months before DirecTV has their first Spaceway satellite launched and operational and providing HD locals. Perhaps more details will be provided at Dish's earnings conference call later today but if not, I would expect on the December Charlie Chat, we will hear some details of Dish's HD plans.
Paradox-SJ said:
Any mention of DP+ LNB availability date? It would go a long way to making the 921 usuable at my place.
I actually called the number on this question. I didn't make it on the air, but was passed to the appropriate person. She basically said that the DPP LNB was now available, but only from retailers. It sounds like its just about to hit the market. I hope that lets us know when we can order them.
Cyclone said:
I actually called the number on this question. I didn't make it on the air, but was passed to the appropriate person. She basically said that the DPP LNB was now available, but only from retailers. It sounds like its just about to hit the market. I hope that lets us know when we can order them.

Accoding to the last retailer chat we are still a few weeks away from the DPP Dual LNB, they hoped to have it out by the next retailer chat which is in 3 weeks.
I called the Tech Chat last night with the following question.

“Was the 921 designed so that the expansion slots could be used for future use such as a second OTA tuner. If not why not, and if it was, when can we expect to see a second OTA tuner?”

I was transferred to a second person, that sounded like she must have taken, and passed, an illiteracy test to get her job, who advised me that my question could not be asked on the air because it did not relate the to subjects that were being discussed. For a moment I was speechless. I could not believe that she in effect had said that the Tech Chat is not an open forum for ANY technical questions that relate to Dish Network. After that I was DISCONNECTED !! Needless to say I was steamed at this point.

I waited a few minutes, to cool down, and called again. I politely lit into the person that answered and explained what had transpired during my last call. Additionally, I informed him that I had called the Charlie Chat two months ago with this question and was advised the since my question was technical in nature, that I should ask it on the Tech Chat. I also asked if the Tech Chat was an open forum for ANY Dish customer to ask ANY technical question that related to Dish equipment, or was it a closed forum where only softball questions were allowed? My questions were not answered and I was transferred to another person that transferred me to the studio where I was informed that my question could be asked on the air. At that point audio from the show was placed on my phone line. My name was the first called to ask a phone question. I could clearly hear the show but they could not hear me. Apparently the second called had the same problem. I was again DICONNECTED. By now flames and smoke were shooting out of my ears. I immediately called back, explained what happened and was transferred to the studio again. At this point, when the audio was again piped to my phone, there were eleven minutes left in the show. While holding someone checked, which was successful, to determine if I we could communicate with each other. As you saw there were no additional attempts made to accept phone calls.

Yes, I understand that there may have been legitimate technical issues with their phone audio. But no attempt to answer additional phone questions with eleven minutes left in the show is somewhat suspect. I feel that the statement made by the person concerning the appropriateness of my question was an insight into a pre determined agenda, which does not include a desire to hear, and respond, to questions that may tarnish the Dish shield. Unfortunately it appears, at least in some instances, that Dish may not believe that honesty is the best policy when it relates to customer questions.

Sorry for being so long winded, but I guess i just had an additional amount of venting to finish.
My thoughts on the Tech Chat...

So, now they have Karaoke. What's the deal, do they have a contest at corporate, who can come up with the most ridiculous, stupid idea, then implement that instead of name-based recording or some other intelligent feature?

I was on hold to win the 921 bundle, had the number dialed within 2 seconds of when it appeared on screen. I guess some others have faster fingers than me.

I won a hat! At least something useful in the chat, there was nothing "compelling" on screen.
Karaoke = additional revenue from the folks that buy it.
NBR does not, they're already collecting the money and not implementing anything with it.
Well I know how you feel, they do it to me when I have certain issues as well, especially when I have to keep repeating a long story of what had happened at times.
Well, of course, I guess if they feel the revenue stream will cover the development and implementation costs of Karaoke then that's definitely a motivating factor. I personally can't think of a less useful upgrade but I suppose some will want it.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Accoding to the last retailer chat we are still a few weeks away from the DPP Dual LNB, they hoped to have it out by the next retailer chat which is in 3 weeks.
Assuming you mean the DPP Twin LNBF, I just heard they've been released.
SimpleSimon said:
Assuming you mean the DPP Twin LNBF, I just heard they've been released.
Yup...though it is a little hard to get right now as production is still ramping up.

rewatched technical chat

Nobody commented on what Mark Jackson said after the full screen about the prices for LCDs. He said, "...Also, the thing to keep in mind is that we have some great offers for existing customers for 811 and 921. So, if you call us up, they'll tell you what you can get an 811 or 921 for...." So I called Dish Network and they have no clue what he is talking about.
During the chat I emailed E* asking about the 811 BSOD, 301 aquisition, and some 921 questions. Here is E*'s response. Oh and ? "You pull the smart card out, you put the smart card in, you pull the plug, and you shake it all about, do the E* pokey and turn your self around...That's what it's all about." ?

Subject: RE: Equipment/Software
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:05:30 -0700

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail. The black screen you are referring to is scheduled to be fixed within the next couple of software updates by the end of this month. For now, here's a temporary fix: Press and hold the power button on the front panel of the receiver for approximately 7 seconds, then release. The receiver will power off and then back on. You will see 'Attention 015' on your screen. Wait for the receiver to reboot. It sounds like you've been doing this.

At this time the 301 is an extremely stable receiver and has few issues we are aware of.

I'm not quite sure what you mean about the 921, however I know there are rumors that it is going to be discontinued. This, in fact, is not true. The 921 will stand, and we will continue to release maintenance software updates as needed.

Hope this information helps,
Dish Network

>-----Original Message-----
>From: nippjas
>Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 6:00 PM
>To: TechForum
>Subject: Equipment/Software
>Show: Tech Forum
>Name: nippjas
>Phone Number: (815)555-1212
>Subject: Equipment/Software
>I have been an 811 user for awhile now, and while I see improvement in
>it's functionality, I have also seen a decline in it's stability. I am
>not alone in this observation as the forums are loaded with users asking
>for help. The biggest issue I have seen as of recent occurs so often that
>811 users have created the term "BSOD, Black Screen Of Death". In this
>issue the 811 loses all audio and video, but program information and EPG
>controls remain functional. The only way to recover from this issue is to
>softboot or hardboot the receiver. What is being done to improve the
>811's stability? What is the status of the long rumored next generation
>of HD receivers? What is the status of software stability improvements
>for the 301? And finally what is the future of the 921? Any plans to get
>OTA recording capabilities functioning correctly before the 942 is


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