Finally for this morning, I sat in on a panel of DISH Executives discussing DISH Wireless
DISH Wireless is something that Charlie has been working on and is betting the farm on, but for us SatelliteGuys we will be disappointed in for now... but that's not to say in a few years things won't be a whole lot more interesting and the world of possibilities will open up using DISH Wireless. You see the real issue here is that Charlie must launch a service that covers 70% of the US Population by the end of March next year... or he will lose the licenses that he paid BILLIONS for.
Generation one will be just a network to get them online to satisfy the requirements of the FCC, it won't really do much at first. But then next year when real 5G software is available DISH will upgrade their Network for 5G which will open a new world of opportunity for DISH. With 5G DISH working with other partners will be able to launch many 5G products which will bring in a new generation of things like sensors which can report their data back using minimal battery power. Unlike 4G which is an always on connection 5G will allow a device to connect when it needs to or when its programmed to, so certain battery powered devices such as ground moisture sensors can report home and be battery powered and those batteries can last upwards of 10 years.
Since this is a brand new network DISH can rent out space on their network to companies such as delivery companies who can then put in trackers and other things to track deliveries and the network would be run by the company itself.
The possibilities are endless. But it appears DISH does not want to be a phone company... they want to be a network provider. Now it does not seem they want to be an internet provider at this time... but who knows what the future holds, and because Charlie is such a good poker player I am sure he is holding some cards against his chest not to give away some of his ideas to the competition.
Let's put it this way... if Charlie did not think he could make money on it (lots of money) he wouldn't be investing in it.
They also briefly talked about a product called a Hopper Link which gets attached to the back on an antenna and is used by those without broadband or a phone line to report PPV purchases and have access to other DISH Interactive services.
Now with this said, no big presentations have been made yet. Tonights vision of the future event is at 5:45 pm, so we may here more announcements tonight or tomorrow at the general assembly.
In the next post I will post some pics including pics of the Hopper Link.
We have tonights event and still two more days of Team Summit, so while I think I have found most of the hidden Easter eggs, there may still be more to come. And of course we will let you know anything that is announced.
Again thank you to everyone who made it possible for us to be here. And while we raised a lot of money to go our expenses were not fully covered. If you would like to help out please consider becoming a Pub Member or donating at
Thank you!