Why is DISH any different, you still need to buy the correct Trac vision type device.
Beats me but all the notes say D* HD is not supported. I think Dish sats are more localized and fewer.
Why would you buy a second account from D* ?
To get the big four, you need a Distant Network Service which are feeds from LA or NY. Your current locals can only be received in your geographic vicinity and D* will only yet you change your location twice per year. D* will not give you DNS if you have Locals. To get them you must prove you own an RV and open a totally separate account for the RV and pay full price plus $15/mo for DNS.
Your camping/traveling, whats wrong with the local channels from the city your in ?
Nothing provided you are in range. It is also time consuming as the TV auto channel search takes awhile. With the new multiple signals per HDTV channel, the TV can find hundreds.
Yes, many of them won't do HD for D*, not quite sure why that isn't integratd into them yet, but they are not.
I think it is because D* must see five sats strung out across the country.
In the mean time, I hook up the Slimline and am up and running in about 10-15 minutes.
They're cumbersome and and in my opinion a pain to set up.