Switching to DirecTiVo from Dish PVR - what to expect?

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Nov 5, 2003
I am a disgruntled Dish Network PVR customer who is seriously eyeing a DirecTiVo system. I have a few questions from those in the know:

1. I have read elsewhere that the DirecTiVo is far better suited for timeshifting than using as a live-watching program guide. Any reactions to this?

2. Does anyone know about the picture quality of a DirecTiVo recording vs that of a Dish PVR?

3. Any other other serious pros/cons I should be aware of?

Thanks for your input. . . I am looking to do something quickly!

1. Tivo is good for both.
2. picture quality is as good as the feed from your dish, there isn't any noticeable downgrading on all new units.
3. the biggest pro is that all DirecTivos have 2 tuners, E-Z to use tivo operating system, and they are very reliable, unlike Dish's. Cons, none can record OTA. HD Tivo will be the first to do so.
geodon005 said:
3. Any other other serious pros/cons I should be aware of?
;) How about some "not-so" serious cons:
No caller ID
Menu responses for recordings are slower (Tivo does a great job of checking for conflicts)
The TV show guide grid is slower
You can't access the show guide while watching a recorded program
Only one "favorites list"
You will spend some time getting it set up (the guide, favorites, season passes, etc.)

With that said, the longer I have my DTivo, the less live TV I watch so I'm sold on it.
Man, DISH must not care at all about retaining customers. They didn't try at all to keep me when I called to set up my disconnect. I was just told about my cancellation fee and about the $25 reconnect fee and 2 months if we come back.

They asked why I was cancelling and I told them it was partly due to a lack of a dual tuner receiver (the 721 is a joke) for existing customers and the whole Viacom fiasco and $1 joke of a credit.

Directv did everything the could to get me signed up, including a free directivo.
geodon005 said:
I am a disgruntled Dish Network PVR customer who is seriously eyeing a DirecTiVo system. I have a few questions from those in the know:

1. I have read elsewhere that the DirecTiVo is far better suited for timeshifting than using as a live-watching program guide. Any reactions to this?

2. Does anyone know about the picture quality of a DirecTiVo recording vs that of a Dish PVR?

3. Any other other serious pros/cons I should be aware of?

Thanks for your input. . . I am looking to do something quickly!

I'm very satisfied wiht my DirecTV Tivo. The picture quality is identical to live TV and the recommendations are relevent to my likes and dislikes. The dual tuner allows me to queue up dozens of programs so I rarely watch live TV unless it's the morning news or a sporting event.

The only concern with watching live TV, is that when you are recording to both tuners, you can't change channels. However, another box through the antenna input easily solves this problem.
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