Well here your answer,there blood suckers,DTV does it for free just put my DTV account on hold till Sunday ticket in oct.
Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Ted B..
(03) Ted B.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer, I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
William : thanks
(03) Ted B.: Your patience is greatly appreciated.
(03) Ted B.: I will surely assist you with the information.
William : thanks
(03) Ted B.: You're very welcome.
(03) Ted B.: We have a great option to put your account on vacation while you are relocating or until you are ready to restart your programming services. It is called Dish Pause. It allows us to keep your account active with a minimal monthly charge of $5.00/$10.00 .
(03) Ted B.: You will be charged $10 per month if you have any leased receivers on your account or $5 per month if your own all of your receivers while in Dish Pause.
(03) Ted B.: You will also be charged a $5.00 per month HD enabling fee.
(03) Ted B.: When you are ready to reactivate your services it takes one simple step to contact us via chat or call us at 1-800-333-3474 and we will have your services up and running within a few minutes.
(03) Ted B.: Please keep in mind while your account is on a hold status you will not see any programming but are still able to order PPV movies at your convenience.
(03) Ted B.: DISH Pause can last a maximum of 6 months.
(03) Ted B.: After 6 months your services will be restored automatically.
(03) Ted B.: You may only participate in 1 Dish Pause in any rolling 12 month period.
(03) Ted B.: That is all the information for you now.
(03) Ted B.: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
: i own all my recevers so its 5.00 a month
(03) Ted B.: Yes.
(03) Ted B.: Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
: whats s the HD enabing fee ,i have been in good standings
(03) Ted B.: If the account has HD receiver and do not subscribe to the HD programming, the account will be charged the HD enabling fee.
William : Thank you for your time
(03) Ted B.: It is my pleasure assisting you today.
(03) Ted B.: Do not mention it.
(03) Ted B.: I'm glad we were able to take care of that for you. Thank you for being a DISH Network customer, have a great day.
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