I did a quick search and didn't see anything. I've been subscribing to the superstations on Dish for more than 11 years (still the same equip. but upgraded myself to Dish500 dish, I bought and installed everything myself) prior to that I had them on C-band for more than 15 years (the ones available). Couple weeks ago they just shut them off, except for WPIX. The stations are listed in the guide yet, but they are red, and WPIX is on 251 instead of in the 230s where it was. There was nothing in my statement about them shutting it off. I wrote Dish several times asking, no response. I can't find the package listed on their website anymore. I pay my package annually, and apparently because of that I am not able to make any package changes online/can't access anything there/it says to call. Does anyone know what's going on? Thanks.