I dont remember the exact model # - it's a samsung LCD (not LED) 240hz 46 inch tv that i picked up a bestbuy july of 2009
One thing i noticed is that when we're playing a game on the PS3 on the tv, there can be some tearing on the screen. Wondering if there's any way to compensate for that?
And in general just wondering if there's any general tips for tweaking an HD tv to get the best display. I'll post the specific model # when i get home.
One thing i noticed is that when we're playing a game on the PS3 on the tv, there can be some tearing on the screen. Wondering if there's any way to compensate for that?
And in general just wondering if there's any general tips for tweaking an HD tv to get the best display. I'll post the specific model # when i get home.