Stick a fork in blu-ray

"...VHS might not have won with out the adult film industry adopting it...."

Very true. If Sony has not learned from this, and actually prevents porn from being put on BD, they've made a big mistake. I doubt they'd try to stop it- it would guarantee that HD-DVD would stick around. Like it or not, porn is a HUGE industry, and any format they pick, if they act as a group, will survive.
I hope this was suppose to be funny, if not, I hate to hate on anyone, but if you believe that this kills BR, yup, your an idiot, if it was to be funny than I apologise.

Actually, it does give a huge advantage to HD-DVD. Let's face it. It was a major reason for Betamax tanking. Men make up the majority of consumer electronics purchasers. Men like porn. Hence, the medium that facilitates porn delivery will become a more desirable option to male consumers. Overstating the case by saying it is the only factor is obviously foolish, but not completely untrue.
It was mostly sarcastic but Sony is really starting to make bad decision after bad decision here as of late. Porn powered VHS, DVDs, and now HD-DVDs. That has to stand for something.

I do support both camps. At times I am not sure why but I do.:)
I use to be an assistant manger of a video store that did VHS and DVD rentals back in 1998. The "backroom" did 55% or better for the store income. Porn can be more powerfull then what people think.
I've already got a date with the first release. :D

Ewwwwwwwwwww.......... :D

My question is, do people buy porn that much any more? I mean, $30 for XTV or $15-20 for a good newsgroup server and you have all the porn you could ever want (or at least I'm told :) ) I love my HD DVD but I just can't see the porn industry doing a whole lot for it.
I googled your info, came up with this. Not a total commitment, but seems inclined strongly to Blu-ray. First quarter 2007 for first release.
I don't watch that stuff, but I thought Vivid (or whatever it is) had announced BR.

So did digital playground however when they went around to try to get people to make the discs they were told they could not because sony will not allow xxx material on Bluray
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Ewwwwwwwwwww.......... :D

My question is, do people buy porn that much any more? I mean, $30 for XTV or $15-20 for a good newsgroup server and you have all the porn you could ever want (or at least I'm told :) ) I love my HD DVD but I just can't see the porn industry doing a whole lot for it.

Estimates of revenue from video porn vary widely but even the lowest estimtes are amazingly high. Sad to say but porn and gaming have always been the drivers for advances in display and graphics technologies. Most people don't care about it but those that do will make decisions based on what is best for that and therefore that industry hasa lot of economic influence in this area.
... because sony will not allow xxx material on Bluray

Have you got any links to that, or any way to verify if that is indeed their plan? If so, unless they change it soon, the best Sony can hope for is for HD-DVD to stick around, mostly for porn. Worst case for Sony would be Blu-ray down the toilet, stuck in the gaming world of the PS3 only.
Great, so guys can masterbate to the pimples on Porn stars butts that you can now clearly see.

The reason porn swayed the VHS Betamax war was because at that time the only place to get porn was in a magazine, or go to a nasty, dirty, sleazy theater. The video revolution put an end to that and people could enjoy porn in the privacy of their homes. The fact that porn went with the cheaper, though inferior VHS did play a big role in it's success.

Cut to 30years later. Free porn is everywhere. Most people get porn over the internet today. Are the consumers of porn videophiles? I think not. They will continue to get porn the cheapest way possible. Will they be plunking own $25 for an HD copy of a movie, or spend $25 for a one month access to a porn site?

I think the whole "porn industry influence" was a one time thing. Many factors have since changed and this format war will ultimately be decided by mainstream content.

CES brought about a huge slate for Bluray this year. No major HD exclusive titles, no new titles announced from Universal, and Warner and New Line committing to releasing everything on both formats via THD discs.

I know many people want HD-DVD to succeed just for the fact that it would mean another Sony failure, but going by the announced titles for 2007, Bluray has the clear advantage. Family titles like "Pirates of the Caribbean" are going to make the difference, not adult titles like "Pirates"

Read through sites like Engadget and engadgethd for info on the titles that were announced at CES. Bluray has come out swinging. The fact that HD-DVD does not have support from the biggest players, while Bluray has them all is going to put an end to it. Exclusives like Sony, MGM and Fox will have a major impact once big titles like Star Wars, Spiderman, 007, etc start making their way to Bluray.
"...Family titles like "Pirates of the Caribbean" are going to make the difference, not adult titles like "Pirates"..."

:haha :up :up
"...Family titles like "Pirates of the Caribbean" are going to make the difference, not adult titles like "Pirates"..."

I've seen "Pirates of the Caribbean" and thought the star (Jonny Depp) was playing a transexual. I think "Pirates" would be a better movie!:eek:

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