Dish Network has posted the following statement on the VOOM Takedown on the Dish Network retailer website.
VOOM Take Down
Effective May 12th (11:59pm EST) 2008, the full VOOM HD Line-up is no longer available on DISH Network. DISH Network continues to be the leader in providing the best movies, sports and entertainment in High Definition.
In order to provide customers with top quality entertainment, DISH Network continually evaluates and at times, makes changes to our channel line-up. We are excited to announce the addition of over 20 new high definition channels which will provide our customers the top rated channels including The Weather Channel HD, Disney HD East, Bravo HD and Cartoon HD. As of result of these additions, we have removed some channels that are less popular with our customers. These channels are not available with any other satellite provider. The VOOM lineup removed consists of 10 HD channels.
Watch for even more high definition channels over the upcoming weeks as DISH Network grows to over 100 of the best national HD channels by end of year.
Thanks for supporting DISH Network!