Starwars 1-6 in HD

yeah, but with the additions of commercials, would it even be worth it? Someone had them a year or two ago on either HBO or SHO in HD. At least 1-3. Not sure about the 4-6.
I would rather see it on HBO or Showtime in HD. The commercials will really suck. Also bring back the originals and not the 1997 remakes.
yeah, but with the additions of commercials, would it even be worth it? Someone had them a year or two ago on either HBO or SHO in HD. At least 1-3. Not sure about the 4-6.

They all (I - VI) were shown repeatedly in HD this last Summer/Fall on HBO and Cinemax. I have them on my external drive(s). Even if I didn't already have them OAR and commercial free there is no way I'd waste drive space or time on what's sure to be commercial and channel-bug ridden presentations from Spike.

I would rather see it on HBO or Showtime in HD. The commercials will really suck. Also bring back the originals and not the 1997 remakes.

According to Lucas, the "remakes" (they're actually simply updates, not remakes) are the realization of what he originally envisioned, but didn't have the technology for at the time. And according to Lucasfilm, the old ones are no longer canon. They are superceeded by the updated versions.
They have a nifty new device called a DVR. Seriously I know some people love Voom because of no-commericals. Unfortunately commericals are the life bload of TV.

Why watch or record a movie(especially a movie) with commercials when you can have it commercial-free? They suck, even with your nifty new DVR thingy.....good luck to you.
I think they are still cannon. He did release them again with the latest DVD release along with the remakes (Updates). I know he said they were what he invisioned, but some of the scenes look really chessy with the animation. With the addition of some of the audio makes it real nice but they could have left out some of his visions.
They are superceeded by the updated versions.

The idea of updates isnt bad but many of them were lacking or just silly. Correct me if I am wrong but one was adding the snow monster for ep5 right? From a techie POV a good addition. From a movie making one sometimes less is more. All George has to do is ask his good friend Steven or go rent Alien. However if they had digitally removed every last ewok and replaced them with wookies it wouldnt bother me at all if the original versions never saw the light of day again. :D

But in any case I have seen all 6 movies so many times that I dont have any particular desire to see them again anytime soon. And I certainly wouldnt watch them on Spike, HD or not. Constant commercials are bad enough (even skipping with a DVR). All those overlay ads on the bottom are even worse. Im still waiting for the day when TNT starts selling the space for ads instead of limiting it to promos and Nike advertises shoes during hobbit scenes. The Horror! The Horror!!!
For a fun take on the original movie seek out a copy of DELETED MAGIC. I know you can find it on some bittorrent sites. It is basically a version of STAR WARS collated with deleted scenes, alternate takes, and alternate audio tracks. Some of this stuff is available on youtube as well.

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