Is there a way to calibrate the start and end times of tv shows, I know there is the early and late setting of shows on the dvr but it seems that dvr misses the last 30 seconds to a show
Is there a way to calibrate the start and end times of tv shows, I know there is the early and late setting of shows on the dvr but it seems that dvr misses the last 30 seconds to a show
Oh yes it does, if another tuner is available to record the overlap.the receiver will not record the next program on a different channel, if you have one set to follow that program.
It is not called mis-timing. It is called seamless into the next show. No commercial at the end of the show leading into the next show to keep people from changing the channel during the break. I remember that being brought up at one convention of NBC attended. Now, when a sporting event runs over causing havock in show start/end times, that is called sliding the start times of all shows that follow by nn minutes. The networks send a message to the stations about the slide when they know it and also to the public that subscribes to the sliding. Would be nice if DISH received this and broadcast it to all DVR's out there. so we do not miss recordings. I used to extend the last recording on CBS Sunday nights by an hour to compensate but can't seem to do this for one PTAT on the hopper.
But can't you set an individual recording on the other tuner to record the CBS show on Sunday nite, assuming that you are not recording something else on another channel.
The networks most certainly do run their programs late and/or longer than the :30 or :60 minute mark. It's of little consequence to them though because the actual shows are so short and they have plenty of commercial time to adjust things. I don't know if they still do it, but set a timer for Grey's Anatomy from 9pm to 10pm and see how much you miss. In the past, they absolutely ran that show to 10:05pm. Don't believe me ? Ask my wife !!