Start Over --

Yuk. That makes no sense.

The signal (picture) is obviously coming into your box (you are seeing it on the screen, so QED). Why do they restrict you from sending it onto the disk? Another one of those things that make you think nobody's thinking. "Oh, we needed code to let the record button work? Too bad."
It could very well be a legal issue.

It's one thing when you DVR an over-the-air program (the courts said that was 'ok' back in the VHS they can't stop you from doing that...). It's another thing when Brighthouse FEEDS you a show that has already been taped (even if it's just a 5 minute "buffer").
For BHN or any cable company to offer Start Over type services they must have Video On Demand type contracts in place with each network that has a Start Over feature. The network itself can also deny specific shows access to Start Over as well. The On Demand contract simply states that customers cannot record On Demand delivered content and as such you cannot record Start Over content onto your BHN DVR box. Also the contract states that for BHN to offer Start Over they must block customers from fast forwarding commercials but the problem is that to comply with this requirement they must block all fast forwarding even on content from say Showtime which doesn't have commercials for example.

This without a doubt isn't a choice for BHN and from what I've been told BHN would love to allow DVR recording and fast fowarding. This is also a service created mostly for those customers who don't have a DVR allowing them DVR like ability (starting the show from the start and pausing) without having to upgrade to a DVR. This service has greatly reduced churn and I'm sure of this.
Did you just tell me that fast forwarding capability is gone for everything, or just for on-demand content?

If the former, you can have my DVR back; it will save me money anyway.
He only said Start Over content cannot use FF by their specific contract. The separate VOD contract prohibits the recording of all VOD-delivered content.
Coming to Central Florida Sept 30!!!

For those who dont know what it is..

Start Over - Bright House Networks Tampa Bay

We've had start over in the Tampa market since January or longer. It was so annoying I called and had it turned off on my account. Channel changing seemed to slow and it popped up on the screen every time I tuned to a channel that was start-over-able.

It might be good for somebody without a DVR. With a DVR and a little planning ahead you would record the program and then you can FF, RW, pause, etc. Let's not forget that the DVR can also rewind up to an hour back of whatever channel you are watching, as long as you haven't changed the channel.

I have yet to meet a person that comes out and says they like start over. BHN has really been hyping it though. I think it boils down to a misunderstanding by BHN as to what their customers might actually want.
Ohmigosh! You get something on screen to answer every time you hit a channel in the middle of a program???!!!!

Then thank goodness you can turn it off!!
Ohmigosh! You get something on screen to answer every time you hit a channel in the middle of a program???!!!!

Then thank goodness you can turn it off!!

If you do nothing it goes away.... but it flashes on the screen of the channels you change to that you can "start over by hitting the red button" (I think it is the red button). The whole thing just sucks.

When I called to turn it off only a few weeks after launch here, the CSR told me I certainly wasn't the first to complain about it.
If you do nothing it goes away.... but it flashes on the screen of the channels you change to that you can "start over by hitting the red button" (I think it is the red button). The whole thing just sucks. ...

I will be turning that off and quick. So when you are channel surfing, this notice keeps popping up covering up the content. How convenient.
I will be turning that off and quick. So when you are channel surfing, this notice keeps popping up covering up the content. How convenient.

Like I said, I think BHN really missed the mark when reviewing customer feedback and trying to decide what to do next to WOW the customers, and then coming up with Start Over. It just makes the staff look bad for coming up with this stuff. I am sure they would like to see a DVR in every home. So why would they promote this, which works on any digital box. They are hurting their own cause (everybody has a DVR).
There's nothing inherently wrong with the "start over" idea--it's the incredibly stupid implementation.

You have to push a button to record a program...there's no popup over each channel as you channel surf asking if you want to record it. So what stupid person decided to do it for "start over?" Why not push a button to do it rather than bother EVERYBODY on EVERY CHANNEL. BHN needs to start over with "start over."
There's nothing inherently wrong with the "start over" idea--it's the incredibly stupid implementation.

You have to push a button to record a program...there's no popup over each channel as you channel surf asking if you want to record it. So what stupid person decided to do it for "start over?" Why not push a button to do it rather than bother EVERYBODY on EVERY CHANNEL. BHN needs to start over with "start over."

I agree with you, but they don't have it available on all channels, so they think you want to see it on the channels they do have. What makes it stupid is the popups... if it is discretely there and not so annoyingly in your face and annoyingly marketed, it isn't a big deal. They are so proud of it that they won't shut up about it. It is on commercials, on their website, on their bill, on fliers in the bill, advertised in the newspaper.

I wish they would shut up about it. Shut up already about your stupid Start Over.

I guess it annoys me because it is a reflection of the laziness of Americans. Not only are we couch potatoes, but we are so lazy that we cannot plan out TV watching accordingly and record our shows to the DVR. We have to catch them late and hit a start over button because we arrived late. That is another thing, we Americans are always late. If the show comes on at 8PM, what in the hell are we doing sitting down at 8:10PM. We are late for work, late for church, late for the doctor, late for dinner with friends, and now late for our own TV watching experience. This kind of crap is just enabling our society to slip more and more into the slothy Jabba the Hutt position. Peal us off the f*ckin' couch why don't they! Lazy! LAZY LAZY we are!
Scottey what if your one of those Americans that doesn't make much money and now with everything being so expensive you just cannot afford that 12+ bucks a month for a DVR box. Yes some people are that tight on money. What happens if that person gets off work at 8:00pm. Lets say this person gets home in about 15 minutes. Well this would be the case of a person who isn't lazy who doesn't have much money which means TV entertainment is their only core entertainment and as such Start Over for them allows them to see their favorite show that starts at 8pm.

Unlike most of us on these forums most of America just isn't as well off as many of us are. Our entertainment can be going to a pro football, basketball or baseball game for example. Sorry but most people who don't have much money only have TV and that is it.
Scottey what if your one of those Americans that doesn't make much money and now with everything being so expensive you just cannot afford that 12+ bucks a month for a DVR box. Yes some people are that tight on money. What happens if that person gets off work at 8:00pm. Lets say this person gets home in about 15 minutes. Well this would be the case of a person who isn't lazy who doesn't have much money which means TV entertainment is their only core entertainment and as such Start Over for them allows them to see their favorite show that starts at 8pm.

Unlike most of us on these forums most of America just isn't as well off as many of us are. Our entertainment can be going to a pro football, basketball or baseball game for example. Sorry but most people who don't have much money only have TV and that is it.

If you can afford a $3000 HDTV and HD digital cable, you can spring for the DVR. There isn't much of a price difference between a HD box and an HD DVR box or a SD DVR and an HD DVR. People make choices. If you are that tight on money, you should make other changes to your life. A second job delivering pizzas??

Some of you need to listen to Dave Ramsey. When the economy is bad, you should have your emergency fund in place and follow his baby steps and you wouldn't be in this pickel.

I read in the paper a letter writer who said because of the higher gas prices, she was going pull her kid out of private school and put her in a public school closer to home.

Let me get this straight, since gas prices have doubled in a couple years from $2 to $4 a gallon, this woman can no longer afford to drive to the private school (average tuition $9K+ a year). That is a sign of far worse problems than being pinched only by gas prices. I don't pitty her.

Again. I said start over might be good for some people without a DVR. Enjoy it. I say it sucks.

The other big problem is that other people don't plan ahead. Personally, when I get my DirecTV magazine, I take a highllighter and go through the movie index alphabetically. I highlight the movies I want to record. I then sign online, pull up the movies in the guide, and set a recording to one of my HD-DVRs. This is fantastic. I have planned well, because I always have 10+ good HD movies waiting for my wife and I to enjoy.
No but if you were living paycheck to paycheck and gas is now double. Instead of 30$ a week you now spend 60 on gas.. Saving that extra 12$ a month vs having a DVR or not is a big deal to you.
No but if you were living paycheck to paycheck and gas is now double. Instead of 30$ a week you now spend 60 on gas.. Saving that extra 12$ a month vs having a DVR or not is a big deal to you.

I doubt the woman with her daughter in private school is living paycheck to paycheck.

Anybody that is living hand to mouth like your example has no business watching television and should be getting a second job. I've seen people on minimum wage with an emergency fund and couples that earn $300K+ a year go bankrupt. The amount you make isn't as important as how you handle your money. Sure, it is easier to pay for things when you make more money, but it is also easier to get deeper in the hole.

Seriously.. the person in your example needs to get a second job and cancel cable all together.
I agree to an extent. Cable is the cheapest form of entertainment around. If someones living check to check, even with a reserve in the bank that extra 12$ a month for the DVR could be money they put in that reserve. If the people were talking about have kids, TV is the cheapest way to keep them entertained for 30 days a month. Its one of those luxuries that help you get through the work work work week.

I agree if its between cable and food or cable and rent well you need priorities but if your getting by then your not "spoiling" yourself by having cable. It can keep a person sane. But having that DVR at an extra 12$ a month could be the difference between putting 20$ a month in your reserve or only 8$ a month. or its half a can of baby formula.

To me and you 12$ is a lunch, to some people though that maybe a lot more.

About the lady with kids in private school. Ya if an extra 30$ a week is the deciding factor if her kids can go to private school or not, she has more issues then just gas prices. Unless of course she was working 2 jobs and just barly making it by, but wanted her kids to have the best education possible so they would not have to live check to check like her. Perhaps that extra 130 a month is a setback for her. Along with all the other rising costs associated with high fuel (like food for instance, my avg bill just a few years ago was about 130 a week today its near 160 or more for about the exact same stuff.)

looking for honest answer

Little confused on how to set up Fios

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