I had two of those given to me last fall only to have the lying a$$hole that gave them to me let someone else have them after I had already taken one dish off the mount on one. They were 45 miles from me and I had 3 trips there and back preparing to bring one home and when I went to get it this spring both were gone. And this after I had called him 3 weeks earlier to make sure that they were still there?? After they came up missing I called the guy about it and wound up calling him what I thought he was and hung up on the bastard. That deal cost me about $50 in fuel not to mention the time.
RE: the mount? That is the reason I took me so much time to get that one moved as I separated the dish from the mount and was going to move it in two trips. That thing weighs a ton and was too much for two people to take off the mount. My last trip was with 3 ppl so we could get it off without hurting someone in the process.
What goes around, comes around and he will get his one day!!!
Yeah, I'm still pissed off about that one!