Ok so I tryed taking my 36inch 1 year old HD xbr wega off VIVID mode while looking at HD news and Worldsport.
I fooled around with picture-color-detail settings and also put it on
COOL-and max clear edge settings.
Am trying this using DVI cable that came with VOOM.
Still when I switch over to compostites cables picture looks not clearer but not as washed out.
Could someone steer me with some cheat settings that are working good for them with this or similar set.
As of right now I have
color- 80%
Picture Max
Detail 70%
others stock settings
clearedge maxed.
Would apprieciate you all experts advice.
I fooled around with picture-color-detail settings and also put it on
COOL-and max clear edge settings.
Am trying this using DVI cable that came with VOOM.
Still when I switch over to compostites cables picture looks not clearer but not as washed out.
Could someone steer me with some cheat settings that are working good for them with this or similar set.
As of right now I have
color- 80%
Picture Max
Detail 70%
others stock settings
clearedge maxed.
Would apprieciate you all experts advice.