So, who would like one of these? (Dish Tuner for an HTPC)

Let's hope it works better than the last Echostar/Microsoft joint venture did.

I want one (or two)
If E* has a chance to one-up D* we might see this sooner than later. D* has been blasting their vaporware HD ads all over the networks trying to siphon off E* customers. E* could neutralize that immediately with these cards.

I would need 3 tuners and it needs to work with removable drives for offline storage.
If E* has a chance to one-up D* we might see this sooner than later. D* has been blasting their vaporware HD ads all over the networks trying to siphon off E* customers. E* could neutralize that immediately with these cards.

I would need 3 tuners and it needs to work with removable drives for offline storage.

I doubt this would neutralize anything. Ask the typical TV watcher what HTPC means? I'm sure you'll get the standard Radioshack patented blank stare.
I doubt this would neutralize anything. Ask the typical TV watcher what HTPC means? I'm sure you'll get the standard Radioshack patented blank stare.

True, but if DISH basically stopped needing to sell receivers and instead could sell HTPC's via a 3rd party vendor, you would be basically buying a "Dell Dish Network Receiver".

Doesn't sound as appealing today as it will in 3 yrs when the largest hard drives are around 2tb...meaning the average one is 750GB or more and the average $50 processor is equivalent to a Core 2 Duo.

An HTPC would be about $400 at that point, and Dish would be out of the hardware business.
If you were a pub member you would know that we broke this news almost 8 months ago now. :)

Don't know why Engadget is picking up on it now, even DBSTalk posted this at the beginning of January.

There is nothing earth shattering to report on this, we are still at least a year away from seeing this if not longer.
If it was that long ago then it should be right around the corner right?

;) LOL

digi, you burst my little daydream bubble - Just when I start thinking life will be like Star Trek then I remember it will probably be more like bladerunner if the average person has anything to do with it.

You have all these people buying HD tvs and hooking their regular service to them and thinking they are watching HDTV. It is truly sad.

I really wanted 3 of these tuner cards... Well, back to the CRT projector forum.

I forgot to post what I posted. This was posted on June 11, 2006.

BTW (Keep this pub only PLEASE) while at Team Summit there were a lot of Microsoft guys around, Dish is working to get Windows Media Center to support Dish Network as they are for DircTV. This could be a big announcement for CES.

Again please keep this here.
Editting your original post:

Scott Greczkowski said:
BTW (Keep this pub only PLEASE) while at Team Summit there were a lot of Microsoft guys around, Dish is working
to get Windows Media Center to support Dish Network as they are for DircTV.

This could be a big announcement for CES 2010.
If the sticking point is DRM how is this any different than external USB storage?

I mean if they solve that issue, isn't it directly related?

The files shouldn't play on any other computer. Sure some hacker will tear through any protection scheme they come up with, but the same can be said for the files that get saved on USB drives.

If they released an HTPC card, I don't know if I'd ever buy another set top box from dish ever again. At least I could fix every other issue that arises outside of the card itself. And it's a heck of a lot easier to have Dish send out a new card when something breaks than a whole new box.

Here's to hoping it happens before 2015
If I could role my own PVR with Vista and Media Center and have a card that did E* plus putting in an OTA Tuner pci card and a FTA tuner pci card, i could roll my own PVR all in one box..
Okay for everyone that does not understand what you are talking about, what does the above agreement mean and please talk to me like I am dumb so I can get it.
I'm still wating for my flying car that was 20yrs away in 1986

Flying cars exist now but God help us if they ever become affordable! There are multiple wrecks every day here in DC jamming up morning and evening traffic. Can you imagine if those idiots could fly? There would be burning hulks littered everywhere!

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