Smash Lab - Not-so-smashing


Unashamed Bengal Fan
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I caught the series primer of "Smash Lab" on discovery tonight. I was, unmoved. I don't know if it's just this week's topic, but the entire time I am yelling at the TV saying... "TRY GRAVEL, MORONS!"

For those who haven't seen the show yet, I am really giving nothing away when I tell you that the point of today's episode is to find a way to slow down a vehicle safely before it crosses a median into oncoming traffic.

They look at some interesting material called aerated concrete. (not "air rated" as they kept pronouncing it on the show--slight difference in inflection) They see it in use with test footage with an airplane.

Well... The thing is, this concrete is designed to be strong enough to hold the weight of a car, but crumble if an airplane rolls over it causing the plane to stop quickly, but safely to the plane and the occupants of the plane. This episode tries to modify the material so it can be used to stop a car.

They show all sorts of neat crashes. I have serious problems at the methodology of the crash. The vehicle at the 35° angle would be moving with its own inertial forces in a different direction, but really that set of crashes were unnecessary (but still interesting to watch)

About 45 minutes into the show I am literally falling asleep. To one group I am yelling "Try fluid filled barriers or foam block like they use in NASCAR!"

To group two, I am yelling, "Haven't you ever seen a truck escape ramp on a freeway before? Do you watch F1 racing? Try GRAVEL, morons!"

In all, it was extremely disappointing especially when it was bookended by two very funny and action-packed Mythbusters episodes.

I haven't given up on "Smash Lab", but the series did not start off with a bang for me.

See ya
I feel the same way. Do they think the general public is dumbed down that much...maybe they are.
I caught the series primer of "Smash Lab" on discovery tonight.

I thought this was the 2nd episode. I was equally bored by the first one about bomb-proofing a building by using truck bed-liner spray on mix.

The topics are ok, but they just pace it very slowly and in the end don't do all they could have to settle the argument they propose.
I actually liked it. Though I agree they drag stuff out too long. I liked how they hurricane-proofed the house; and thought the 737 was an ingenious way to generate Cat 5 winds.

The aerated cement one was ok, but not as good.
I think this week's episode on earthquake-proofing a house, was excellent. They showed how a ball-bearing system on a slight arc could be used to protect a house from lateral earthquake movement; and their demo was really quite impressive.
I've been very disappointed in this show.. I expected much more.. but they come up with a half decent idea, but what's the point.. you just proved something that's used for tall buildings would work for homes.. woopie.. you mentioned it was too expensive to invest in for homes.. so again.. what was the point?
I've been very disappointed in this show.. I expected much more.. but they come up with a half decent idea, but what's the point.. you just proved something that's used for tall buildings would work for homes.. woopie.. you mentioned it was too expensive to invest in for homes.. so again.. what was the point?

Vince, that's not what they said. They made the point that the technology was feasible to implement in homes.
After four weeks of falling asleep to this show, I removed it from my "new episodes" timers list. It is such a let-down after Mythbusters. The premises they come up with, to me, are all "no duh" scenarios, or, like the aerated concrete episode, rediculous!

I guess that's why we have another 300 channels to choose from. :)

See ya
I haven't liked Smash Labs either, like you TOny I was yelling at them to use Gravel on the debut episode.

Part of the problem is the slow pace of the show where they concentrate on the same experiment for the entire show. In addition the hosts are not fun to watch, even the girl whos supposed to lend the show sex appeal has no personality and is strange in her own way. Nor do I find her attractive, there is something wrong with her but what it is I cant exactly place my finger on it. Give me Keri from Mythbusters any day for a smart sassy girl.

I agree with Tony, this show is not Smashing at all.
I know you guys don't like it, but this week's show on bomb-proofing an airplane with blast wrap was really cool.

They blew up 3 planes; and a bunch of other stuff. :D
I'll check out the replay. The premise is still fairly idiotic, and repeats the bomb-proofing a building episode I thought was awful, but I'll give it another whirl. :)

See ya
It's just so so to me, the whole co2 stop the car thing sucked. Geez, dvr's have really spoiled me, I tired to watch it live, oh my god commercials, and rehash what you just watched.
It's just so so to me, the whole co2 stop the car thing sucked. Geez, dvr's have really spoiled me, I tired to watch it live, oh my god commercials, and rehash what you just watched.

I am not saying every episde was great, but I enjoyed this one -- even though they completely failed with the airpline. BUt with some other smaller things, the bomb-proofing material actually worked pretty well.

And it was fun to see them blow up old DC-9s.
Well, Smash Lab got a second season - which began tonight. Watching now. They changed half of the cast, but kept the girl.

I was one of the only people to like this show, and will continue to watch. Heck, they blow stuff up. :)
I watched half of it last night, but then got interrupted. I have decided that if you don't take the premise too seriously (i.e., who is going to design "outriggers" for a car to prevent it from rolling when it GOES OFF A CLIFF) its kind of cool. Its more about the physics and engineering - to see (regardless of feasibility) if it will work.
I just find all the premisses to be silly. That is my problem with this show. All the way from the first show I saw to this last one, the premisses were just stooopid! The only one that I saw that had any kind-of-sort-of value was bombproofing a building, but then they just wrapped it the kevlar!

Still and "no DVR" zone for me. :)

see ya
I just find all the premisses to be silly. That is my problem with this show. All the way from the first show I saw to this last one, the premisses were just stooopid! The only one that I saw that had any kind-of-sort-of value was bombproofing a building, but then they just wrapped it the kevlar!

Still and "no DVR" zone for me. :)

see ya

Oh, I didn't think that episode would change your mind. :)

Its a bummer the car didn't roll like they wanted it to; I would have liked to see the air bags in action.

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Was Jemaine Clement the 'Film Guy' in those Voom vignettes?

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