Slow Guide on Direct TV Tivo

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Original poster
Aug 24, 2005
Just wondering if that was case? I don't have the model on me, but it is brand new. I just came back to Direct tV.
c9house said:
I just looked online and mine is the D10-300.

the d10 isn't a TIVO...

if it is a D10 unplug it and plug it back in, when i had that box that fixed the slow guide issue.
I just picked up the R10 about a week ago or so and after about 3 days of use my guide has become fast. I page down and all the program listing come up immediately.
There's a post over in the TIVO forum about new R10's slowing down after about a week of use.
Rebooting seems to cure the problem and they're fine after that.
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re-setup receiver now no local channels

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