Hey Guys
I'm coming at this from a different perspective. I'm a lifetimer that paid $199 for SA and the contract says my lifetime, my wife's lifetime, or my family's lifetime.....BUT.......I'm not so naive to think that the company can keep on staying in business without finances to keep it afloat. Sure, my way of looking at it was that I've got a lifetime contract and SA has to supply me SA for my lifetime. Technology requires that electronics are going to last only a limited amount of time. We all knew that the satellite was to be replaced in 2002, looks like they didn't have the funds to do that 5 years ago and either through bad business or negligence that wasn't going to happen, hence look in another direction. OK.....here's the rub for me.......secrecy! I feel that a lifetimer is different than a MTM subscription. We joined for the long haul based on a vision, and then when the person that started SA died, the vision died along with it, and the powers that be, couldn't/wouldn't/didn't be upfront with their subscribers. It was business as usual. I think that if.....waaaayyyy back when it was realized that SA was in trouble, if they had been upfront with their subscribers and said, we aren't going to be able to continue, all or most all of this could have been prevented. Right now, the bad taste in my mouth is there because of the lack of comunication by SA to their subscribers. Things could have been worked a little differently and attitudes might not have been what they are if SA had used some brain matter in the PR department. Hiding what they were going to do to me is 75% of the problem, the other 25% could have been worked out somehow. Americans are much more willing to forgive and step up to the plate if they know what is happening and aren't lied to so to speak......my two cents.....op now stepping down from soapbox, ouch, splinters!!!!!!!!!!