It is a brilliant business move. Buy the debt refuse to give them any conditions on refinancing it when it comes due. Make them declare bankruptcy. Buy up all the assets and you have XM/Sirius without any of the debt. Profit
Both seem to have 12.5 Mhz of s-band bandwidth. Any thoughts as to how much video could be crammed in there? Perhaps Charlie's plan is to scrap the radio altogether and have mobile video exclusively.
Neither can be suit down for a number of years due to the Sirius/XM merger agreement with the FCC. Shutting one down means you could lose 1/2 your subscribers.
Are you sure about that? I know bankruptcy affects creditors, but regulatory rules aren't usually thrown out the window in a bankruptcy. They don't owe the FCC money.If they go bankrupt then the FCC agreement goes out the window. If they go bankrupt they potentially lose 100% of their subscribers. Charlie could also offer some type of hardware swap for the half that are affected.
Renegotiation could mean having the right to offer the audio for the stations he currently offers via Dish Network. I can see it now ... Classic Audio Bronze 100 $6.99 Classic Audio Silver 200 $11.99 Whatever they call the 250 package now $16.99 AEP $24.99 Dont forget the HD Audio for $5 more per month haha.
Are you sure about that? I know bankruptcy affects creditors, but regulatory rules aren't usually thrown out the window in a bankruptcy. They don't owe the FCC money.
The mobile audio market is much larger than the mobile video market. I would completely expect him to shut down *one* of the services, since they duplicate each other right now and are basically wasting half of their bandwidth as it is, but I would be extremely surprised if he were to shut down both audio services.
Yeah watching Mobile Video while driving is a great way to crash into someone. Mobile audio has 20 million loyal subscribers, most of which are commuting.
Audio is big for commuters, but I see plenty of minivans with the portable DVD players and the kids watching in the back. I don't think anyone is talking about watching TV WHILE driving.
If mobile audio has such a great subscriber base, why the heck is Sirius XM crashing and burning?