Sirius Channels to debut on Dish May 20

Chris Walker

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 25, 2004
Info was on the chat tonight for those who missed it. There will be 61 music channels and some non-music channels. Supposedly Air America (the new liberal talk radio station) has been signed to be on Dish.
Now that is a waste of bandwidth... Don't think I'll be spending a bunch of time listening to it. Al Franken drives me nuts.
Okay, I watched the Charlie Chat and they definitely DID NOT state that any radio channel WOULD be carried. Charlie said "...MAYBE one or two radio channels."

See ya
That is not what I heard...

TNGTony said:
Okay, I watched the Charlie Chat and they definitely DID NOT state that any radio channel WOULD be carried. Charlie said "...MAYBE one or two radio channels."

See ya

That is not what I heard him say. He said that they have signed a deal with Sirius and will be bringing 61 new channels to Dish FREE with 120 and up members.
Yes they signed a deal with Sirius and will carry 61 channels, all of them will be music, however there are talks now to bring 1 or 2 talk channels in as one of the 61 channels.

I should also note that while the Sirius Channels will be uplinked on May 20th, they probably won't be available to the general public on the 20th. On the 20th Dish will be holding its Team Summit in Dallas Texas (which I will be attending) and will be training dealers on Sirius. I believe the comment from the peanut gallery about the May 20th launch should not have been mentioned to the general public. I do believe we will see Sirius available around May 27th for customers.
I don't care..... as long as it's ready for pool season at Chateau Murdoch (or NorthSpoon as I call it.... SouthFork was taken). Tried to listen to the Muzak channels for a BBQ last Saturday and the music selection was awful (I like a DEEP music selection as much as the next guy but they were playing failed singles and a bunch of other junk even I have never heard of (and I have over 3000 CDs). Wound up switching to CDs out of frustration......
I'm with ya ...

BobMurdoch said:
I don't care..... as long as it's ready for pool season at Chateau Murdoch (or NorthSpoon as I call it.... SouthFork was taken). Tried to listen to the Muzak channels for a BBQ last Saturday and the music selection was awful (I like a DEEP music selection as much as the next guy but they were playing failed singles and a bunch of other junk even I have never heard of (and I have over 3000 CDs). Wound up switching to CDs out of frustration......

I'm with ya Bob! I hope Sirius will be better than Muzak. When I have friends over at my country Estate, I like to have good music playing on the grounds.

Hey Bob :eureka , another option. I built a "MP3" radio station at home which is available on my private network. Anywhere in the house, where there's a PC, you can tune in and listen. I also created a request website where anyone at home can request songs from my MP3 collection. I can "funnel" the music to my outside speakers too.
I haven't gone that far yet as my PC is in my bedroom about 100 ft. from the "Media Room" (OK, my Den) where the rest of the electronics are.....

One of these days I'll go the convergence route.....
I was only half watching the chat on Monday night. Did I hear Charlie mention something about some kind of bundling discount on a Sirius subscription for Dish customers?
He HAS mentioned some kind of discount for those who wish to add a Sirius subscription but they have not mentioned any details. Look for some %off discount on the equipment purchase or a decreased monthly fee for a period of time.

I actually was a geek and saw BingoTV last night. They were giving away a Sirius radio (the Audiovox version that is the knockoff of XM's SKyFi) and a 1 year subscription.... Damn, I was miffed I didn't win that one......
Chris Walker said:
Info was on the chat tonight for those who missed it. There will be 61 music channels and some non-music channels. Supposedly Air America (the new liberal talk radio station) has been signed to be on Dish.
great, just when we might be able to get rid of ClintonNewsNetwork this shows up...
I assume these will replace the current music channels?

I'm curious...will the Sirius Channels look like channels, or will they come thru with the same cheesy graphics (or lack thereof) and DOS-looking text bouncing around the screen like the current music channels?
bigthrust said:
Another option. I built a "MP3" radio station at home which is available on my private network. Anywhere in the house, where there's a PC, you can tune in and listen. I also created a request website where anyone at home can request songs from my MP3 collection. I can "funnel" the music to my outside speakers too.
You can also take your computer's audio output (be it MP3s, internet radio stations, Sirius, etc.) and pipe it to an FM transmitter (see Then you can use your FM boom box up to 150 ft. or so from your PC. I hope to get my setup installed this weekend, and listen to MLB audio feeds from any radio in the house.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes they signed a deal with Sirius and will carry 61 channels, all of them will be music, however there are talks now to bring 1 or 2 talk channels in as one of the 61 channels.

I should also note that while the Sirius Channels will be uplinked on May 20th, they probably won't be available to the general public on the 20th. On the 20th Dish will be holding its Team Summit in Dallas Texas (which I will be attending) and will be training dealers on Sirius. I believe the comment from the peanut gallery about the May 20th launch should not have been mentioned to the general public. I do believe we will see Sirius available around May 27th for customers.
Traing for what????
:confused: :confused:
How to sell the Sirius service, how to use it to upsel customers from AT 60 to AT 120 or 180, how to demonstrate Sirius to customers, and how to sell and setup and install mobile Sirius receivers.

322 help

How long after software release until installation

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