I'm in California, but all times are Eastern. My box did not set the time forward. That is not the only issue:
-- Things that are supposed to be on at 21:00 (why are they using military time anyway? Or is that because the NeuLion company is in China?) are on at 20:00, so I miss the program. Guh. Even worse today with the time off.
-- I'll see things that should be on now and are not, because times are off and way off on some stations.
-- This is problem for going back and watching something earlier. Tried to watch Turning Point with Dr. Jeremiah and had to go choose a different show to get it.
Also, any reason why you can go back 48 hrs on TV, but not radio. Any reason why? With these time issues, I have missed Grace To You Weekend all weekend and want to listen to it. And, GTY during the week is on when I'm at work. It would be nice to have this available.
Service is not too bad so far. But, these bugs are an annoyance. Would love to see more channels offered and would love more Christian films available on VOD.