Sick and sick of IA5

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 22, 2005
So, I've been sick at home all week and stuck with Ia5. I finally got well enough this afternoon to try to move my dish to the front of the house to try to get G10R at 123.0 West. I got a quality signal of 80 percent, did a scan. All that I get is an Asian channel at 11.720 v called PAC 1 (Pacific one?) No radio at all. Can't find anything on lyngsat about this channel. Think that I better check my compass.
Anyone have any suggestions before I catch pneumonia in the rain?
you are on Horizon 1 which is at 127...need to move east :)

Use this tranpsonder info instead
11800 frequency
V polarity
26660 symbol rate

much stronger than the 11720 one :)
Well, I'm back in...didn't have much luck. It seems that if I use the 11720 v that I was using at first, I could just throw the antenna out in the front yard and it would land on a Horizons 1 quality signal. When I try 11800 V 26660 (and 26657) I can only find a 10 or 20 percent, no quality reading. I tried a blind scan with this and a couple of quality signals showed up at around 11987 H 20894 - they came up as channels 1 - 9 but weren't there when the scan was done. I have no idea what this might mean, or what I might have been on. My compass seems a little off, but then again it's totally dark outside. Do the transponders on Horizons 1 have that strong of a signal that I could easily pick them up, but not G10R? I think that I might be doing something stupid. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow in the daylight.
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If you can get that Horizon 1 signal again, you need to tuen the dish to the east about 3/8 of an inch (what I mean is if you make a mark on the mast where H1 is, turn the dish 3/8" and you will be on G10). Elevation may need to be tweaked

Are you skewing the LNB? fixed dishes need to be skewed

Iceberg, I did what you said. I picked up a signal exactly where I put my mark at 3/8 of an inch. It's a 20 percent no quality signal. I think that I had it the same place last night. I moved it very carefully just a hair at a time, but get no quality anywhere. I've been doing this for about an hour and a half (the fine tuning part)
I've adjusted the skew with no luck. Normally it wouldn't bother me not to have anything yet, but I seem to be able to get horizons 1 at the drop of a hat. I've been watching Cegarretts "strong channels on g10r" thread since I seem to be mirroring his. I think I'll try those transponder frequencies.
Well, I guess that I'll go fool around some more.
Made a couple of stupid mistakes...I was skewing in the wrong direction. My aim was way off - I was reading the compass over the dish and that was throwing it off by about 10 degrees. Things should be easier with any other satellites that I decide to tune in now (I hope.)

Is there anything cooler than seeing a no quality bar turn quality after hours of work????

G10r is Cool!

Thanks Iceberg.
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Might want to consider investing less than 100 bucks for a dish motor. That way you can cruise the whole arc that you can see. The motor can put you dead nuts on any satellite viewable for you at the push of a button. Setting up the motor isn't any harder than spending an hour and a half in the cold moving the dish a little bit at a time. I can pull in about 13 different satellites and I have some trees in the way.

Thanks for the excellent advice. Would you believe that I actually have a motor? I'm kind of a strange duck...I have been trying to hone my sat finding skills (Still way below par.) and trying to get as much thrill from my new system as I can, so I've been experimenting with the stationary dish. I certainly do wish that I had the motor hooked up when I was trapped inside the house though. I hooked up the motor when I first got my system (to make certain that it was operational - wasn't certain how to align it at the time.) and haven't touched it since. The ground has been frozen, and like you I have trees everywhere. I'm trying out different places just to see what happens. I could hook up the motor to my temp. mount, but I'm afraid that once that is done, I wont have anything else to fool around with. :)

123tim said:
Is there anything cooler than seeing a no quality bar turn quality after hours of work????

it is pretty cool when you get a decent signal after trying for a while :)

G10 is a good satellite
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