Usually a bad idea, from the reasons already given.
I experimented with replacement solid aluminum sheeting
in an 8-1/2 foot Orbitron antenna, in the Middle East
over 15 years ago.
The Saudi Arabian sun is unforgiving to anything near the focal point,
so unless you can rough up the material so that it does not shine,
or paint it a pastel color, the solar radiation will tend to destroy
or otherwise melt feedhorns, etc.
We did our work at night, and found that the solid panels were much
less able to be formed into a perfect parabolic in the same manner as
mesh material, so Ku-band performance suffered.
If you want good Ku-band, use a large offset antenna such as those in
the 1.8 or 2.4 meter size, and appropriate LNBF. Same with DBS in out-of-
CONUS locations. Yuo