SG9120B only moves east...

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Dec 19, 2008
-Tried re-setting it to no avail. Used 18v (Horizontal TP) to operate the motor.
-East button on motor activated but the west button does nothing... other than a faint "click" from inside the motor like a circuit breaker going off or something like that.
-From receiver tried both USALS and Diseqc before & after reset. It's stuck around 72w (located at 97W) on a 48" F* dish, don't want to drive it farther east until I can figure out the problem.
Thought it might be a limits issue but re-setting it should have cleared that up. Not sure when I will get a chance to look at this motor... rather busy here these days with other things (work), maybe Sunday.
*Receiver is an Azbox ultra. LNB works so I know both H and V voltages are present.
It's late so maybe I am overlooking something I should try. Any ideas?
Warranty replacement
Yea, good idea! ;)

The only thing I could think of, is that the click you hear, might be the internal relay activating.
With a lot of use, the relay contacts sometimes become worn (burned).
Replacing the (both) relays is not a user-serviceable option.
However, there is at least one thread on the forum where a member did.
I'm not saying this is the most likely failure, nor recommended procedure, but I do mention it for completeness.

Yep was afraid of that...
I have done a motor reset (3 times at least). No difference.
The motors are not expensive, I doubt it is worth sending it back for warranty and having a replacement sent back, the shipping will likely be the close to cost of a new one anyway. Maybe I'll look into another model. The DG380 gets good reviews. I'll have to take this one apart first maybe I can fix it...
Yep was afraid of that...
I have done a motor reset (3 times at least). No difference.
The motors are not expensive, I doubt it is worth sending it back for warranty and having a replacement sent back, the shipping will likely be the close to cost of a new one anyway. Maybe I'll look into another model. The DG380 gets good reviews. I'll have to take this one apart first maybe I can fix it...

My next one is going to be a DG380 for sure. Unless of course something even better comes out before my motor takes a crapper. It seems that pretty much only Sadoun sells them though, so no price breaks anywhere, unless they are having a sale.

Hypermegasat posted a teaser on his "new product releases" forum around 1 week ago, on a "SG9220" motor with pics. Looks like it has a 50mm tube, but I haven't seen a delivery date for stock, and nothing can be found via google searches as of yet.
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Well I took it down and pulled it apart this am. Looks like the worm gear is slightly bent, likely causing heavy load on the motor (amperage). I think a resistor (100 or 10k) is open but the relay seems to be working, but power drops to zero when activated in that one direction even with motor disconnected. I can find a SM resistor off some other boards I have kicking around. As long as none of the ICs are toast I should be able to revive it. Note many of the components are rated for 12v but voltage will exceed 18V depending on receiver TP selection and where they are in the circuit, especially capacitors...

Will look at doing the repairs this evening if I get a chance and I find my microscope (to ID that resistor)!

Found two bad solder joints after removing D3 to check. The diode was ok but circuit worked after re-installing it. Then noticed lots of voltage drop through one of the relays (motor turned slower one direction clued me in). I re-soldered the connections and it works fine now too. Did the other relay too just in case, and some other joints that looked gray instead of shiny like they should be.

Worm gear does seem to be bent a bit, I marked the area that seems to have the runout and tapped it a few times with the handle of a medium sized screw driver. Seemed to bend it back... the gear turns without binding on it's whole rotation. Did a bit of fine-tuning on the wedge/end play adjustment apparatus after polishing the wedge as indicated in Gpflepsen's thread. I cleaned out all the original grease and used cold weather lubriplate (white stuff) on the worm/sector gear and the bushing bearings. Re-assembled and re-set the motor, all seems to work fine now (better than new!).

Now to fix that Geosatpro C2...
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