Set up 2 receivers on one motorized Dish?

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John W

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Planet Earth
I am sure this has been asked here before but I couldn't find an answer in a search.

I have the Pansat 2500A with an sg2100 motor on a 1 meter dish. My pansat is in my family room but now that my kids are getting older they are taking the family room over and I am losing my 622, Xbox 360 and my 2500. They can't stand when I am messing around, scanning different sats to see what is up there and new. I actually gave up my Pansat for most of the summer because of this but now I want to get rolling again.

Will I need another dish/motor/lnb for a fta receiver in my bedroom? I do realize that if I can use the same dish/motor/lnb that it will be on the Satellite that I am playing with for both receivers. Can I do this? If I can then what do I have to do (is it just as simple as splitting off the cable or runninng one out of the 2500 to the other receiver)?

I really don't want to add another dish on my roof, have enough crap up there between my weather station, Dish 1000 and dish 500 pointed at 61.5. In this town I am really pushing my luck with that.

If you don't mind being on the same sat, I suggest adding a 22mz switch (like the old direct tv switches). I have the one listed here:

they also make one with two outputs, instead of 4,

This will allow each receiver to watch both H and V feeds from either a Circular or linear sat location without interrupting the other.

If you don't want to add a switch, then you can just run a coax from the loop out of your motorized receiver to the sat in of your new receiver. Just be warned that the 2nd recevier will only be able to watch the same polorization and L/C of the motorized receiver.

That is why I suggest the switch.
Welcome back to the FTA foum, John :)

Yes you can set up 2 receivers on one motorized. Thats what I have. All you need to do is run another line from the LNB to the other receiver.

The one drawback is you are limited to the same satellite on both units. One controls the motor and the other is the "slave"
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