The screaming isn't likely coming from the cap, probably it is coming from the transformer in the switching pwr supply. Primestar31's advice to use a higher rated voltage cap is good advice, keep the capacitance the same but use a higher voltage rated cap.
The cap that you replaced, did you use the same capacitance value? You usually can't just throw in any cap and there is polarized and non-polarized caps too. If it is a polarized cap, make sure that you put it in correctly, they only go in one way. They'll physically fit either way but polarized caps have a negative and positive leg that you have to pay attention to and put it in correctly. Usually the board has a mark on it for negative, you can look at other caps on the ckt board if you not sure how it goes.
Non-polarized caps can go in either way.
What brand and model TV is it? I'd be willing to bet that Primestar31 is correct and you have more bad caps in the pwr supply. Replace them and the screaming noise will most likely go away.