Had our computer consultant in today. We've been getting low disk space warnings on C: and sometimes find we have zero space. Cleanup might get to a few hundred MB, never to a GB. Partition is only 60GB because that's the only way Dell would deliver it. Claimed they had good reason but never fully explained so we let it ride. We've removed everything we feel safe doing. When we recover some space, "something" eats it up almost immediately. Can't figure out what - any ideas?
Obviously it won't do anything - no Windows update, no backup, and very limited file transfers only.
We're going to open a TT with MicroSoft. But I was hoping to get some ideas here.
There are things like Partition Magic for servers, but THAT would be a HUGE risk. And even if it doubled our partition, might it turn out Dell was right?
Obviously it won't do anything - no Windows update, no backup, and very limited file transfers only.
We're going to open a TT with MicroSoft. But I was hoping to get some ideas here.
There are things like Partition Magic for servers, but THAT would be a HUGE risk. And even if it doubled our partition, might it turn out Dell was right?