satworks 3618/ 76 cm dish and the tube, s.q. question

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 19, 2004
i have a satworks 3618 hooked up to my winegard 76 cm/ .5 ku lnb. The best signal quality i can get on the tube is ~38%. Are any of you that are using the same combo (or close) getting a better sig quality? if you are getting a better sq what type of lnb are you using?
Thanks in advance
I use a 76 cm Channelmaster dish with an DMS ASC321S Single Ku LNBF I got from PSB, a Coolsat 4000 Pro, and I got 65 quality consistent the other night, have not tried it since. Living in the Flint Hills of Kansas.
I was getting around 35-45 with my Pansat 2500a clone on a Fortec 80cm and ASC321S, and I know the coolsat meter is abnormally high, so I would take that 68 with a grain of salt ;)

Now, with the 90cm dish and Invacom, I get about 45-55
The Satworks has a low quality, so the above is kind of moot :)

Dr Hydro...almost same setup here
30" Hotdish
DMSI .5 dual
Satwork 3688

38-39 signal on Tube...48-50 on 11799
thanks iceberg, i guess im not going to be able to peak that dish any more. i am wondering if a .3 lnb might be the ticket to less rainfade.......
a .3 might work.

I know PSB might be able to chime in with the .3 result....I should be able to give you a .4 result :)
cool, i would really appreciate that. i have this system setup at my friends / neighbors house, we are debating whether or not it is worth it for him to get a better lnb (such as the invacom), or if he should just learn to live with the rainfade.
hi guys, i am running a satwork 3688 and a .3 lnb and can only peek tube at about 39, with satwork anything over 38 is usually watchable. Ice is correct the quality numbers are low when compared to other receivers. kypx is running about 51, and as does wpxs which often replays tube late at night and through out the day
Iceberg said:

.4 gave me a 40-41...not much gain but every little bit helps :)
Yup your right every little bit helps. That extra 2% might be enough to prevent loss of signal when a cloud shows on the southern horizon ; )
Iceberg said:
yep. Best signal I ever got was a 74 and that was on a feed. The Pansat pinged it at 99
if i recall corectly the best signal i have got on the satwork was a 90 on anik f1
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Digiwave DG6800.

One receiver shows channel scrambled..other shows as free?

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