I am serving with the army in a remote base in south-eastern afghanistan and i'm lucky to currently have some kind of internet access at all, but the problem is we have 4 computers for 100 users at this place and a 30 min time limit and no privacy in the computer lab. The plan is to get a get satellite internet from a hughes net or something like that and split the expensive monthly costs between myself and 5 other guys and if it works, hook up the others in the base with their own satellite. Since we don't have a reliable phone out here, i thought i would ask my fellow techies for their advice. Hughesnet emailed me and said they do provide service out here, but also said it would be $600 + $600 for equipment and shipping. I hope i can get a better deal than that to own my own equipment and since I'm only out here for 10 more months, i need to be on a month-to-month deal instead of a contract. Please help me and my friends out guys.