Satellite Guys not blocked on my work computers :D

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 27, 2012
So, if you guys don't know me, I'm new here but I work as a tech agent for DTV. I like my job and actually put forth my best effort to help customers, and I actually pay attention to DTV policy.

I realized this site is not blocked (everythjng else is) so while I'm there I can surf the forums. So if you have any questions let me know.
Hey, just wanted to say...most everyone here is so helpful and I really appreciate it. It means alot, especially when one has a terrible middleman provider to deal with. I feel like I can at least get the correct info here before I have to deal with them and that helps keep me from being jerked around so much.

So, yes, be careful and thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
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Weird channel glitch with NBA League Pass…

Love this commercial!

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