Just a tip jagee. If your just looking to set up on one sat. Not a polar mount setup for many. Just find and set the elevation for your location first. If it's an offset dish, take into account the offset of the dish when doing so. Now provided the pole is plumb and the top of the pole is square to the side. (nice straight cut) Take your box and tv to the dish set it up on a known active transponder for the sat your looking for. Now with the signal strength and quality up on the screen, very slowly swing the dish around to get the signal and tweakup from there. Skew, focus, ect. When you tighten the bolts for the dish against the pole make sure you don't upset the elevation. Somtimes you have to pack it out between the pole and the cap.
With this method and a little sense of direction you may not need the compass at all.