See! I knew it! The Blu-ray consortium is flooding the market with subsidized players! Samsung is loosing $600 on every player it sells!
The above was a sarcastic reference to the "Toshiba is losing $300 on every (A1) player they sell early in the 'format war'. I guess my sarcasm was not that obvious.
OK, I've been an HD DVD owner since early May 2006, but I like to think of myself as a "High Def" fan as opposed to an HD DVD 'fan boi'. While on the HighDefDigest site this morning I saw the ad for the promo for the refurbished Samsung player and got to thinking about it. I'm not that opposed to having an inexpensive Blu-ray player in order to have access to high def content not available on HD DVD.
First, for my setup - a 57" Sony rear projection HDTV with 1080i but only one HDCP compliant DVI input, and a 5 yr. old Sony A/V receiver with 5.1 analog and digital coax & optical inputs but no HDMI - I have to consider how to connect both Blu-ray and HD DVD players to my system. I have a Monoprice 2 port HDMI switch with an HDMI>DVI cable to my display, so video is no problem. I can switch my Dish 211 HD receiver back to component; HDMI is not the noticable improvement I thought it would be. To enjoy the high def audio, I would need a switch for all 12 analog cables to 5.1 to my receiver. I guess they make such a thing.
But then I look at the Blu-ray releases to-date to see what I'm missing. Over half the titles I would want I already have on HD DVD. Kingdom of Heaven would be nice. I rented Devil Wears Prada on DVD and really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I would enjoy it that much more in HD. I've seen Pearl Harbor more than enough times in HD on cable/sat. In
scheduled BD releases, Dances with Wolves & Alien vs. Predator are about it. I can pass on Beerfest.
Anyone have other suggestions for 'compelling content' out there that I can't get on HD DVD or HD broadcasts to justify my adding another $500 in high def equipment to my system? And please, only
released or scheduled content, not
promised. It was the promise of Blu-ray vs. what they first delivered that pushed me over to HD DVD in the first place.
Thanks, and please no 'fanboi' flames. I'm being honest in asking for suggestions /c omments. There are more than enough places on the web for 'format war' arguments, and one of the reasons I enjoy SatelliteGuys is that it's more civil than most HD sites.