SA3250 with Comcast ?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 16, 2003
How do you have your SA3250 hooked up both for HD and SD ?
I have a SA3250 for one main reason, it lets you use the component, s-video and DVI out all at the same time.

A few thoughts first,
  • The Comcast boxes seems to destroy the low end digital channels and most other SD content. And this is not limited to the SA3250, neighbors and friends have similar issues with other boxes. Whats odd is the output looks great via composite or s-video, the component and DVI/HDMI outs look aweful w/SD.
  • Why would I want my SD channels sent over DVI/HDMI and to the same input that i've set all my colors/contrast/sharpness for HD? Makes my SD content look like crap.
  • I have a CableCard, same problem as above. The TV CC input is set for optimal HD viewing, but looks terrible for SD
So here is what I have:

Coax -> SA3250
Coax -> Tivo
Coax -> TV

SA3250 -> TV, via HDMI
SA3250 -> TV, via Composite
SA3250 -> Tivo, via S-video
Tivo -> TV, via composite

Tivo is configured for 2 inputs (via a very cool hack), it tunes 2-77 through its internal tuner and 120-900 via the SA3250, which it controls via an IR blaster. Tivo's default bit rate has been hacked, so the buffer playback looks very close to that of a live feed.

I can watch tv via many modes as follows:
  • SA3250 via DVI/HDMI - (Good for HD, SD content looks like crap)
  • CableCard in TV (For HD if tivo is busy w/SA3250, SD content looks like crap)
  • Tivo via composite - (For SD, Looks very good)
  • SA3250 via composite - (for SD content if Tivo is busy, looks very good)
Very confusing I know... but it works.. What upsets me is that most people don't know that there are multiple outs on the SA3250 so that you can get the best picture. My understaning is that on the 8300 comcast has rendered certain outputs useless.. I won't give up this SA3250 for that reason!


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