I have an az s808, with a problem. On a first time installation, after getting the antenna dialed in. We, (it was a group effort) went to the website suggested, downloaded the monthly update to a memory stick, and installed it to the box. The led panel showed 1200, and that was it. We went back to the website and read too late that we were supposed to make sure the antenna lead was disconnected. oops! We then read there was a process to fix the mistake tha required us to link the box to a computer via a serial cable. None of my computers have such a port. So, the box was taken to another location where a computer and proper cable could be found. Upon hooking the box up and turning it on, nothing happens, ie, no power?
The box acts like there is no power to it. We checked different outlets, and I opened the box to check for a blown fuse. The internal fuse appears fine. So, what the heck
do we do now??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, In the ranking of Azbox products, is the s808 a basic box? Thanx
I have an az s808, with a problem. On a first time installation, after getting the antenna dialed in. We, (it was a group effort) went to the website suggested, downloaded the monthly update to a memory stick, and installed it to the box. The led panel showed 1200, and that was it. We went back to the website and read too late that we were supposed to make sure the antenna lead was disconnected. oops! We then read there was a process to fix the mistake tha required us to link the box to a computer via a serial cable. None of my computers have such a port. So, the box was taken to another location where a computer and proper cable could be found. Upon hooking the box up and turning it on, nothing happens, ie, no power?
The box acts like there is no power to it. We checked different outlets, and I opened the box to check for a blown fuse. The internal fuse appears fine. So, what the heck
do we do now??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, In the ranking of Azbox products, is the s808 a basic box? Thanx