Epix HD PQ has been excellent. Just subscribed to HBO a few days ago, and started playing with GO. First time I tried it, was the first episode on True Blood. When it started "retrieving", there were four dots and "HD" to the right of the loading status bar. PQ was great. Ever since, I've just gotten four dots without the HD and PQ is SD at best. Tried another Epix movie...excellent, BUT I notice there are no dots or HD when it (an Epix movie) retrieves. I have DSL, 5.30 average Mbps via repeater bridge Lynksis router. So, is HBO GO inconsistent, PQ-wise compared to Epix? It would seem so, but I imagine there has to be a reason for it. I'm new at all of this Roku stuff, so I'm groping along right now. Thanks for any input.