Huh? What are you talking about? Road Runner Turbo is a speed tier. Standard Road Runner speed is 10Mb down in most areas. In most areas Road Runner Turbo is 15Mb Down and 1Mb or 2Mb Up and is an extra $10/month. The modem is reprovisioned for faster speeds. Powerboost is a technology created by Comcast and licensed by other cable companies to provide a temporary burst of speed lasting for 20-30 seconds in which you get the available unused bandwidth on your node and can max out at 30-35Mb downstream. It’s no proxy or accelerator, the speeds are real and powerboost can be seen when downloading files, streaming video and whatnot. Download a large file from a source that can support higher speeds and you will see the download transfer rate really high and it will slowly drop off to 15Mb. Powerboost also provides video streaming with an extra kick. Watch a high quality video on YouTube and see how quickly the buffer builds up.