Retailer Chat TODAY AT NOON EST!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Retailer Chat Tommorow!

Don't forget that tonight there will be a Consumer Charlie Chat on Dish Network Channel 101 at 9PM.

At 8:30PM our Charlie Chat... Chat begins at we will be giving away some great prizes, including a Samsung SIR-T351 HDTV Tuner, and I understand that DishStore.NET will be giving away some great prizes as well (infact I hear that one of the prizes has a DVR in its model name) :D

And tommorow SatelliteGuys.US will be offering you live coverage of the Dish Network Retailer Chat which will be at NOON Eastern Time! Our Chat Room will also be open for this event.

Count on SatelliteGuys.US to keep you informed!

Hope to see you tonight!!
man, that means people on the west coast will be watching Charie as they're eating dinner, and mountain time zone right after they ate...

I don't know if I could survive a charlie chat on a full stomache.

That's ok, it'll end at 10pm here, so I'll be stuck with nightmares and Superdishes floating around in my dreams.
"man, that means people on the west coast will be watching Charie as they're eating dinner, and mountain time zone right after they ate...

I don't know if I could survive a charlie chat on a full stomache."

Just think of it as a weight loss program.
BrianInBuckley said:
"man, that means people on the west coast will be watching Charie as they're eating dinner, and mountain time zone right after they ate...

I don't know if I could survive a charlie chat on a full stomache."

Just think of it as a weight loss program.

"The Ergen Diet"
Now I am scheduled to have VOOM installed tommorow between Noon and 5 PM. Lets hope the VOOM guy does not come when I am listening to the Retailer Chat feed. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Now I am scheduled to have VOOM installed tommorow between Noon and 5 PM. Lets hope the VOOM guy does not come when I am listening to the Retailer Chat feed. :)

Are you dumping DISH?

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