Ok HD picture quality is great using the supplied componet cables..will probably upgrade to DVI later...but what is up with the movie content onthe cinema channels. most of the movies the show are older than me...hereis my report card for HD channels:
Channel Grade
Cinema10. D...moives are to old, Rocky V was the best so far
Monsters C... needs Jason,Freddy,
Epics N/A.. have not watched yet
Wrlsprt B- becoming a soccer fan,needs cricket rugby internationa b-ball
Rush C... not really into extreme sports
Rave D... I'm sure someone out there likes that stuff
Ultra C.. I watch cuz of the pic quality
Treasure C... My wife likes it
Gallary C... not to bad
Moov F what the F... is this. maybe if I got high
Animania C...my 4 year old likes.. needs better selection of toons
I think thats it...Ok what do you voomers think
Channel Grade
Cinema10. D...moives are to old, Rocky V was the best so far
Monsters C... needs Jason,Freddy,
Epics N/A.. have not watched yet
Wrlsprt B- becoming a soccer fan,needs cricket rugby internationa b-ball
Rush C... not really into extreme sports
Rave D... I'm sure someone out there likes that stuff
Ultra C.. I watch cuz of the pic quality
Treasure C... My wife likes it
Gallary C... not to bad
Moov F what the F... is this. maybe if I got high
Animania C...my 4 year old likes.. needs better selection of toons
I think thats it...Ok what do you voomers think