I've been recording O&A on XM since 6/1/05. My settings for Stern are a bit different... I spent the past week tweaking the settings to get everything right...
I schedule the show to record in two 2.5-hour halves (more on that below). With Sal going crazy on the pad data (PDT), "split trax" ended up fracturing the show into 97 pieces on Tuesday. The thing about that was having .1-.5 second drop-outs every time the file & display data changed.
When attempting to record as one big file (Wednesday) (44.1k, stereo, WAV), the file got corrupted (missing header) -- Does anyone happen to have Wednesday's show to trade/allow me to download?? So I seemingly hit some sort of 3G spool/file limit. PLEASE private-message me if you'd be willing to give me a copy/trade for O&A or trade for another day of Howard. Thanks!
I record it off the connect radio as WAV, touch up the files (imperfect start/end times) with Goldwave, then compress the files as 256k mp3s. After perfecting the levels, etc. The result sounds FANTASTIC.