Record plus (Changing prefrence)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 1, 2004
Hi every one, Excellent board, Thanks every one for there input . I had dish installed Friday with the 522 (Installers were not very professional, but thats another topic).
I had cable for years and made the plunge, So far every thing is working great, but I do have one questing.
I have record plus enabled and set to first record to TV2.
Is there a fast way to change this option with out going into the menu? For instance if you want to do this for just one show?
Example: I'm watching TV 1 and want to record an upcoming show, but want to go to bed and watch something else on TV2. In this example I would want TV1 to record.
Thank you for your help
The only way I know to do that is to temporarily disable the Record Plus. You'd have to disable it, then set the timer, but you couldn't change it back (enable it) until after the show started recording - otherwise, it'll throw that TV1 timer to TV2.
I'm not an expert or anything... that's just what I've found.
Thanks thats what I thought. I was hoping there was a way to force it temporary.
If any one else has any ideas please feel free to add comments.
Thanks again
blovkisle9 said:
Example: I'm watching TV 1 and want to record an upcoming show, but want to go to bed and watch something else on TV2. In this example I would want TV1 to record.
First, schedule something BOGUS to record. That will go to TV2. Then schedule what you REALLY want to record. That will then fallback to TV1. Then delete the bogus TV2 event. This is probably no quicker than disabling/reenabling RecordPlus, but it's an alternative.
The only problem with that, is then I have to watch the bogas show on tv 2 while im lying in bed. Unless im not understanding you corectly.
Or if I make a 1 minuet bogus manual recording first? That would send what I want to Tv1. That might work,
Thanks for the tip
blovkisle9 said:
...then I have to watch the bogas show on tv 2
No. Once you schedule something on TV2 (the bogus one), it makes that tuner unavailable for that timeslot. Schedule the show you really want and it goes to TV1 because TV2 is unavailable. Now if you delete the bogus TV2 event your real event will STAY on TV1 despite the fact that TV2 has recently become available due to your delete. You are free to do whatever you want on TV2 once your real event has been scheduled onto TV1. RecordPlus switching only happens at "schedule time", not at "event time".


Just to make sure we're on the same wavelength here:

It's 9:45pm and you want to go to bed and watch a show on TV2 while TV1 records something else. From TV1 schedule some bogus show to record starting at 10:00pm. This will got to TV2 automatically because of RecordPlus. Immediately after shecduling this bogus event, schedule your real event that runs from 10:00pm to 11:00pm. This one will go to TV1 - where you want it. Now delete the bogusly scheduled event. It is now 9:46pm and you can head on up to your bedroom and watch whatever you want on TV2 now. TV1 will record your real event. It doesn't matter what TV2 is subsequently used for. Your real event is locked onto TV1 no matter what.

I tried it :no It did not work, when I deleted the bogus event, then go back to the guide the show reverts back to TV 2 :(
Maybe I did something wrong.
Here is what I did:
1-7:00 pm set up a bogus recording (Guide shows it at TV 2)
2-7:00 pm set a real recording (Guide shows it at TV 1)
3-Before 7:00 pm went and deleted the bogus recording
4-Went back to the guide now it shows the real recording at TV 2
Thanks again :)

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