Raining here and I still get a picture!!!!

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Madtown HD Junkie

Occasional Supreme Being
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Supporting Founder
Jun 3, 2004
Madison, WI
Wow. What a difference providers make. It has been raining here in southern Wi all afternoon and been dense low clouds and I am still getting good signal and PQ. Sure is a HUGE DIFFERENCE from the rain fade I experienced with VOom!!! Everytime someone spit in my neighborhood, I lost the signal when I had VOom. They have more HD content....but it is nice to be able to watch D* when it is raining... :yes
same here. Its raining and I still get a picture.
Yesterday it WASN'T raining and I got a picture :)
The Stone Man said:
Title of thread is No rain and I still get a picture!!!!. Might want to change that to convey the right message, but it's up to you Madtown.

Smack him down Stone Man! LOL, Just kidding Madtown!

My thoughts on rain fade are that I have had it twice in 7 years. The last time it was more due to massive electrial disruption than the rain. I am sure Stone Man remembers the storm that hit us ... I think you got like 3 inches of hail from that one!
Don't worry - I read the title this morning and though... "wow... cool" I don't have problems when there's no rain either... (Groan)
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Wiring question

Rain Fade

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